You're Stuck With Me

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"Shancai?" Daoming Si asked as he stepped into his mansion. "Papa!" his 5 year old daughter, Mei Xing came bounding down the steps to meet him. "Hi sweetheart, where's your mama?" he scooped his little girl in his arms as they headed back up the steps. He'd come home in a rush when his daughter had called him, saying that something was wrong with her mama. "She's upstairs, still in bed," Mei Xing answered. "What happened?" her father queried. "Mama's got a fever, and she hasn't gotten up all day," the child answered. "She couldn't even make me breakfast, one of the maids did it." Ah Si's rose his eyebrows, his wife must really be feeling sick if she didn't even have the energy to make their daughter breakfast. Now he was really concerned, was Shancai all right?

They stopped in front of Ah Si and Shancai's bedroom. "Mama? Are you awake?" the little girl called, lightly knocking on the door. "Come in," Shancai called weakly. Ah Si opened the door and stepped inside, Mei Xing following closely behind. Turning over to face them, Shancai's eyes widened in surprise, "Daoming Si, what are you doing here?" Then her eyes flickered to her daughter, "Daoming Mei Xing, I told you not to bother your father while he's working." Mei Xing gave her a sheepish look, "Sorry mama. Sorry papa." Ah Si shook his head, and ruffled her hair, "It's alright, now go play. I'll look after your mama." Mei Xing nodded and left her parents' bedroom. "You shouldn't scold her," Ah Si protested, turning to his wife, "she was only worried about you." Shancai sighed, "I told her not to bother you at work, and she didn't listen," then fell into a coughing fit. "Are you alright? Let me see," Ah Si said, gently pressing the palm of his hand to his wife's forehead. She's got a pretty high fever, he thought, chewing his lip as he scanned Shancai's face in concern. "I'm fine, it's probably just some bug that's going around." Shancai said, gently pushing her husband's hand away, "You should go back to work."

"Stupid girl," Ah Si said, lightly flicking Shancai on the forehead, "You're burning up, and have the chills, how can you be all right? Do you want Mei Xing and me to die of worry?" Shancai frowned, then relented, "Alright, alright, I feel like I got ran over by a bus. I'm sorry to make you two worry. Are you sure that you don't have to go back to work?" Ah Si shook his head, "It's alright, I'm my own boss, remember?" Shancai chuckled lightly, then asked, "Then can you look after Mei Xing today? I want to rest today because I really don't feel well." "Alright," he replied, "I'll go keep our daughter entertained, but let me go get you some medicine to help your fever go down first, okay?" Shancai hummed in agreement, and after giving her some pills, he pressed a quick kiss to her hair. "Get some rest, alright? I love you." Shancai smiled at her husband, she'd really struck gold with him. "I love you, too. Now go keep our daughter out of trouble," she said, shooing him away and getting comfortable under the covers.

Ah Si walked over to his daughter's room, and she looked up from whatever it was she'd been doodling. "Is mama gonna be okay?" she asked, fiddling with her necklace, a little star that looked like a mini version of Shancai's meteor necklace. "She's going to be fine, I'm sure she'll feel better by the end of the week. Until then, you're stuck with me." He'd be the first to admit it, he had no idea how to keep a child entertained, but he'd try so his ill wife wouldn't overexert herself. "What are you drawing?" he asked, crouching down to get a better look at his daughter's work. Mei Xing beamed at her father and showed him that she'd drawn the three of them. "I want mama to feel better soon, so I'm making a get well card." "How pretty," he said as she plopped onto his lap and continued her drawing, "she's going to love it." "Really?" Mei Xing asked, a hopeful smile playing on her tiny face. "Yes really I promise," he answered, pinching her cheek.

*Later that night*
Ah Si went to his room after finally putting Mei Xing to bed. "How do you do that?" he whined to his wife as he flopped onto their bed. "Not as easy as you thought, huh?" Shancai teased, propping herself into a sitting position. "Ughhhh, Mei Xing made me run around the house giving her piggyback rides, twice." he groaned. "There there, you whiny brat," Shancai said with a laugh, patting her husband's head in a mocking way, "I'm pretty sure you were just as obnoxious at her age." Ah Si turned to shoot his wife a halfhearted glare, then asked, "How are you feeling by the way?" "Much better," Shancai responded, "my fever finally broke a little while ago, and I don't feel as groggy as I did earlier." Ah Si hummed in answer, he was glad to see she was doing better.

"Y'know, as much as I love Mei Xing, she's a little demon like you." Ah Si said, "Hey!" his wife protested, throwing a pillow at his face. He laughed  and added, "It's okay, I love my two demon girls so much." "Jerk," she shot back. "You love me anyway," he said, grinning at Shancai.
"I do."

Author's note
Dr-Cokebottles evfabricando Meggyhashope JVH624 Zazounette86 rainingmeteors Daphnecs8
Y'all this list is getting hella long, I can't keep up, so sorry if I missed anybody :(
Hope you readers enjoyed this oneshot based on the prompt "babysitting"
Can't wait for the next one 😊💞

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