A Lesson Learned

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Author's note
@ angster police: ( •̀_•́) ( •̀_•́) ( •̀_•́)
Meggyhashope  Dr-Cokebottles JVH624 evfabricando Daphnecs8 rainingmeteors Zazounette86
Ladies, I did angst (again) Meggy, this is all your fault 😭😭😭 Why this prompt? 😩😩😩
"Shancai, wait!" Daoming Si called, but it was too late. She's really gone, Daoming Si thought as he continued to stand in the pounding rain. The sound of Shancai's footsteps faded away the further she ran away from him. She, the tiny girl with an amazing flying kick, had captivated his heart and then torn it in two, all because she'd been threatened by Daoming Feng, his mother. How dare Mother ruin the one happiness I had? he was livid. He stormed into the Daoming Mansion, where he found his mother preparing to leave back to London.

"How dare you?" he spat at her, "I'm not a fucking puppet that you can manipulate to your advantage." Feng turned and coolly replied, "Is that any way to speak to your mother?" Daoming Si snorted, "You stopped being my mother a long time ago. Just because Father died and you're wallowing in your own shit, what gives you the right to try to control my life?" Daoming Feng crossed the room to her son, and slapped him smartly across the face. Ah Si's head turned to the side from the force of her blow. "Listen and listen well, you ungrateful brat," Feng hissed at her son, "I've done you a favor, that girl was only after the Daomings' money, you think she really cared about you?"

Her words cut the Daoming heir deep. "You're lying," he snapped back. Feng smirked at her son, "Am I? Then why did she leave so easily? Don't you think if she really loved you, she'd have stayed with you?" Ah Si gave her no answer, save for giving his mother a nasty glare. "I think I've made my point," she said with finality, "now get out, I have work to do to ensure I arrive in London by morning." With that, Feng shut the door in Ah Si's face, making very clear that she was done fighting with him. She knew she'd won. Ah Si retreated to his bedroom, where his mask of toughness finally fell off. "Shancai, I'm so sorry," he said as he buried his head in his hands. He could only pray he hadn't truly lost her.

*Three weeks later*

It took a while but I finally found her, Ah Si thought as he approached the fishing village. Who knew that this tiny village was so damn hard to find? But he'd managed to do it and now he was determined to see Shancai. In fact, he was dying to see her as all he'd gotten from her over the past couple of weeks was complete radio silence. Why Shancai? Didn't you say you'd fight?

Ah Si parked his car near the stand that Shancai had been selling squid at, and there she was, wearing the bright smile that he'd missed so much. It was like a breath of fresh air to see her doing well, and she looked so cute with that ridiculous squid hat on her head. "Shancai," he called to her. She looked up, and the smile slipped off of her face. There was something akin to fear in her eyes, and she'd only ever looked at him like that once. He shuddered at the memory, what a piece of shit he'd been to hurt her. "Excuse me," Shancai said, leaving her mother to man the squid stand in her place, and approached the Daoming heir.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, clearly nervous around him. "Let's go somewhere we can speak alone," Daoming Si said, gesturing toward the pier. Shancai mulled over his suggestion for a moment, then nodded, and they walked toward in a tense silence. Once they were certain nobody was in earshot, Ah Si broke the silence. "Have you been well?" Shancai rose an eyebrow, "I've been fine, but don't dodge my question. Why are you here?" "I wanted to see you, don't you think I deserved a better explanation of why you left?" Shancai scowled at him, "I did make it clear to you, I couldn't put my friends' families at risk just because of love. I'm not that selfish." Ah Si couldn't help but feel that last part was a subtle jab at him, but he chose to ignore it.

"I promised you I would do my best to protect you, and I meant what I'd said," Ah Si said. Shancai shook her head, "I'm sorry, Daoming Si. Even though I do love you, there is only so much you can do against your mother. You know better than anyone else that your mother will always be one step ahead of us. Let's just say our goodbyes here, and make a vow." Ah Si felt his heart break as reality sank in, he had really lost in the fight against his mother. "What vow?" he asked, struggling to keep his composure. "I promise that we'll find each other in another lifetime, and be together then," Shancai said "For now, just forget I ever existed. It's what I'm going to do." Ah Si shook his head, "I won't ever forget you, I swear to you."

That day, as they kissed goodbye, they learned one very important lesson: There is no such thing as a happy ending.

Y'all: Monica, turn on your location, we just wanna talk
Edit: WELCOME ABOARD lindaisfangirling 🥳
Can't wait to see what you have in store

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