Chapter 2: Awkward Encounters

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Thank goodness for Eduardo, Mark and Jon. If it wasn't for their help, it would have taken much longer for the girls to move their possessions.

"Thanks for your help, guys" Emma handed their neighbours cans of diet cola. "Seriously, we're so grateful."

"Hey, don't worry about. It's the least we could do" Eduardo said, taking a sip of his soda. He paused, as if he was debating whether or not to say something.

"Is something wrong?" Asked Emma.

"Just some advice. You may want to stay away from the 3 guys living next door to us." He gestured in the direction of two guys she hadn't noticed were staring at them. How long had they been there? "Anyway, we'll leave you to unpack. See you around, neighbour. Jon, Mark, let's go."

"What was that about?" Emma turned to talk to Becca but saw she was talking to a stranger with vibrant orange hair. "Hold on, didn't Eduardo mention 3 guys? There are only 2 over there," She glanced at the 2 men still staring. "So does that mean..."

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Now they only needed to unpack seeing as their neighbours had moved all the boxes for them. Becca thought it would probably be best to start cleaning the front garden as there were now roughly 20 Fanta cans, no, 27 littering their front lawn. Maybe Emma was right about the fact that she might have a slight Fanta addiction. That probably wasn't healthy. She began picking up the cans.

"Hey sweet cheeks." Who said that? She jumped, the cans in her arms falling to the floor. Turning she saw a man with bright orange hair smiling at her.

"Um, hey?" She replied awkwardly. Who was this weirdo exactly?

"Nice to meetcha, I live next door to Eduardo as well. My name's Matt." He confidently stated, as if he was the most important person in the world. "What's yours?" He held out his hand for her to shake.

"Becca." She reluctantly shook his hand before stepping away nervously. "Sorry, but I've got unpacking to do."

"Do you need any he-"

"No, it's fine." Becca quickly said. "We've got some, um, friends helping."

She ran to the house, abandoning the empty cans and whoever this Matt guy was.

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Matt sighed. Rejected again. "Well, I guess the only person for me, is me." He pulled his favourite mirror out of his pocket "Isn't that right me?" He grinned at the sight of his handsome reflection. "I'm just too perfect!"

Matt saw Tom and Edd walk towards him.

"Do you really have to flirt with the first girl you see?" Edd asked, sighing in annoyance.

"I was just introducing myself." Matt said, folding his arms in annoyance.

"Well, next time wait for us and- Tom! Where did you get more Smirnoff from?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "Well, we finished quicker then I thought we would." Smiled Emma.

"Thanks to Eduardo and the others." Becca yawned as she stretched her arms."Oh yeah, I met this weird ginger guy when I was clearing the front garden. He mentioned that he lived next door to Eduardo. I think he said his name was Matt?"

"Should we go visit him?" Emma asked. "I mean, we aren't doing much right now and it would be nice to meet some more new people."

"Fine. Let's go then." Becca sighed as she got off the sofa.

They went outside and made their way to the house they assumed was Matt's.

"What do you mean when you said he was weird?" Emma asked Becca as they walked.

"He immediately started to flirt with me."

"Really?" Emma burst out laughing.

"Yes, and it was slightly creepy."

Emma noticed the two strangers from earlier and a the man she assumed was Matt standing not too far from them. They seemed to be in a heated discussion.

Becca and Emma proceeded to walk up to them. Matt noticed and waved cheerily.

"He seems nice enough." Emma noted, "It was probably just a little joke."

"He called me sweetcheeks!" Becca said with disgust.

"You're overly sensitive about this sort of stuff."

"What do you mean?"

"He was probably just trying to be polite and you freaked out."

"I didn't 'freak out'!" Becca said annoyed, before crashing straight into a guy in a green hoodie and knocking herself and him over, not realising he was there.

"Ow! What the hell?" the guy in the green hoodie exclaimed as Becca collided with him.

"You okay Edd?" His spiky haired friend asked.

"Oh, this is the girl I mentioned guys!" Matt smiled like a child.

Edd stood up and held out his hand to help Becca up as well.

"Sorry, she's a clumsy person." Emma joked. "I'm Emma and my friend is Becca. We just moved in."

Edd laughed. "Well, I'm Edd, the ginger guy is Matt and the other guy is Tom."

"Sup?" Tom said, giving a small wave.

"Oh my god, what the hell?" Emma jumped back. "You have no freaking eyes!"

"My mother was a bowling ball." Tom said casually.

"...That's really creepy, man."

Tom shrugged.

"Uhhh, why don't we go inside and get to know each other." Edd suggested, gesturing to his house. "We can grab some Cola as well."

"Sounds good to me." Becca smiled. Her, Matt and Edd started walking towards the house.

Meanwhile, Emma continued to stare in bemusement at Tom's empty eye sockets.

"Can you please stop staring?" Tom sighed.


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