Chapter 1: New neighbours

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Hooray! I finally started the story. Hopefully you will know about Eddsworld before reading this. If not, it won't make much sense.

Also, I have put in OC's but no romance. Enjoy!

The girl looked at the house in front of her. She opened the can of Fanta she was holding and gulped it down. "Well, this is where we'll be living from now on."

"Better start unpacking, Becca!" Called the voice of her friend, who was lifting a large box from the moving van that was parked in the driveway. "Otherwise, we won't be finished in time."

"You're helping too, Emma!" Becca shouted in return. She took her glasses off and wiped the lens with the hem of her orange hoodie. "Knew I should have worn my contacts." She muttered before putting them on again and hurrying over to help Emma.

"Nervous?" Emma asked.

"What? No! Why would I be nervous?" Becca laughed awkwardly as she helped Emma with the box she was attempting to lift.

"Because you've drunk like 10 cans of Fanta in the space of an hour." Emma replied, gesturing to the large number of empty cans that littered their front garden.

They shuffled their way to the house and dropped the box on the doorstep to allow Emma to fish the keys out of her pocket.

"It's understandable to be nervous, Becs." Emma unlocked the door and they lifted the box again. "New house, new town... I'm nervous as well."

They dumped the box in the living room (or what would be the living room as soon as they placed furniture in there) and paused to catch their breath.

"Well that's one box done, only about 29 or so to go." Becca sighed. "We need to introduce ourselves to the neighbours later as well. Although with the time it'll take to move our stuff, we might not get round to it."

"Let's go now then. We could get them to help us with the boxes as well." Suggested Emma, always looking for excuses to do less work.

"Yeah, fine." To be honest, Becca was just as tired as Emma and wouldn't mind getting some help.

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"I can't believe those inspectors shut down Fun Dead." Tom complained as he slumped onto the sofa. This sucked.

"Well, we were feeding the complainers to Zombies." Edd stated.


"And we nearly started another apocalypse after so many more people got bitten."

"Still don't see your logic Edd."

Edd sighed and sipped his cola. The trio of friends had received a letter stating their zombie theme park was violating health and safety laws, as well as the fact that they didn't technically legally have the rights to the property. They were forced to shut it down. And were now bored.

"So, now what do we do with our lives?" Tom asked.

"Well, I guess we go back to normal. I mean, as normal as our lives can get. I doubt it'll take long for something even mildly interesting to happen."

"Hey guys!" Matt burst through the front door. "Guess what?"

"You got another restraining order from a girl you failed to flirt with?" Guessed Tom.

"Well yes, but there's also a moving truck near Eduardo's house!"

"So is Eduardo finally moving?" Edd asked.

"Unfortunately, it looks like it's for the house next to theirs." Explained Matt.

"New neighbores then?" Tom got up to look out the window.

"Why don't we check it out?" Edd suggested, joining Tom.

"I guess we have nothing better to do." said Tom.

"Yay! New people!"

The trio walked outside to see what was happening, passing Eduardo's house and stopping by the moving van.

"Is that Eduardo helping them?" Edd stared in shock at the sight of his worst enemy actually helping the new neighbours with their unpacking. Eduardo saw them staring and smirked cockily before continuing to move the box in his arms to the house.

"Ulterior motive?" Tom took a gulp of Smirnoff.

"You're drinking this early in the morning?"

"Yeah." Tom drank more Smirnoff.

"We want to set a good example." Edd snatched the Smirnoff away resulting in a threatening glare from Tom.

"Right now Eduardo seems to be making a better impression than us." Said Edd. "Right Matt?

He turned around and saw Matt, attempting to flirt with one of the new neighbours. Edd face palmed; Matt was going to end up with another restraining order.

"So much for good first impressions." Sighed Tom.

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