Sleepover Pt 1

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Hi Guys! It's me the author! Um I'm really scared about posting this story sooooo..... Please cheer me on in the comments!

(Todoroki POV)

After Bakugo sat down, Uraraka began to talk, "Okay guys!" started Uraraka, grabbing my attention. "Lets play a game!"

"How about never have i ever?" said a girl with, You know what, look it up. It's Jiro.

"You came!" exclaimed Uraraka smiling.

"Of course i did silly!" exclaimed Jiro

"U-Uraraka? w-who is t-this?" asked Midoriya, obviously confused.

"Did you really forget Midoriya?" I asked laughing on the inside. "She's in our class.... Jiro, right?" I asked.

"Yup." answered Jiro sitting next to Uraraka. Kirishima started the game off easy saying

"Never have I ever...... been to a sleepover before!" Everyone was in shock, KIRISHIMA had never been to a sleepover before.

"...wait. so this your FIRST sleepover?" asked Uraraka breaking the silence. Uraraka had gifted everyone a sheet of paper, one side it was 'I Have' the other side was 'I have not'. the thing is everyone except, Midoriya, Kirishima and I. HAD, been to a sleepover. "You to Midoriya?!" exclaimed Uraraka.

"Anyways, never have i ever..... kissed a boy!" exclaimed Midoriya, earning a glare from Bakugo. wonder why Bakugo's glaring... The girls and Bakugo raised the 'I Have' sign while everyone else raised the 'I Have Not' sign. Uraraka giggled.

"Hey, Deku, your sign's wrong." teased Bakugo, Midoriya flipped his around to say 'I Have', earning looks from everyone, in fact Midoriya looked, whats the word..... Proud!

"Who did you kiss Midoriya?" I asked, slightly interested. Midoriya turned redder than a tomato.

"I don't wanna talk about it...." he mumbled obviously embarrassed. I decided not to prod but Uraraka was nosy.

"Come on! Tell us!" Begged Uraraka. She was down on her hands and knees begging. I was fighting back laughter, slightly smirking.

"W-wait a m-minute...." said Midoriya astonished at something, "Did T-Todoroki j-just s-smile?" Crap.

(Midoriya POV)

I don't know if i was mistaken, but, I'm pretty sure I saw Todoroki smirk. "W-wait a m-minute...." I said, "Did T-Todoroki j-just s-smile?" I asked, trying to distract everyone away from the fact that i kissed a boy.

"U-Um,anyways moving on!" exclaimed Todoroki, "Never have I ever, not! had siblings." How I'm doing it is that if they raise 'I Have' then they have siblings. Todoroki raised his sign to 'I Have' along with Lida. I looked over to Kacchan, he looked relieved that i had distracted them.

Hey guys I know this is kinda short, but, I'm not the fastest writer sooooo~ Thanks for reading Multi G.! Also, if something is offensive please inform me, and if you are the original owner of my book cover then i'll happily remove it!

-Love, The Author

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