Truth or Dare Pt. 2

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BTW I forgot to mention that the first day of school was a Friday😊

(Midoriya POV)

"W-wait.....WHAT?!" I asked while everyone else was laughing their heads off. Todoroki was just grinning. Before i got a chance to say anything, I was dragged out of the room by Uraraka and Jiro. They sat me down on Urarakas bed and started to search her closet. They came back with a maid costume. What on earth?! Why does she even have that! I wanted to shout.

(10 Minutes Later)

Uraraka handed me a mirror and I looked. I was wearing a maid costume (above). "Okay, Deku!" said Uraraka.

"Follow us." said Jiro. We walked through the door, into the living room where we found everyone in there little groups talking.

"Ahem!" coughed Uraraka getting every ones attention. Everyone looked up with exited expressions that turned to surprised looks. I couldn't help but notice that Todoroki was blushing and Kirishima was sitting in Bakugos lap.

Bakugo broke out into laughter. "P-please stop K-Kacchan." I asked almost whimpering. Todoroki had some weird look in his eyes, almost lust. I could tell Uraraka could see it too.

"Midoriya please go put your nomal clothes on." asked Lida.

To my relief I was allowed. I grabbed my clothes and as i headed to change i asked, "Lida, truth or dare?"

"Truth of course!"

"Is that your natural hair color?"

"Definitely." he was still doing his weird hand thing.

(Todoroki POV)

The instant Midoriya left the room I was surrounded by the girls. "How did you like your view?" asked Hagakure. I had forgotten she was there.

I felt my face turn red with embarrassment . "W-what d-do you m-mean?" I asked unconvincingly.

"You know what I mean." she answered.

Thankfully at that moment Midoriya came back in. But, wait... WHAT WAS HE WEARING?!

The answer. He was wearing a too long sweatshirt and shorts. He looked like an actual girl. HOT. I feel myself blushing again. I think I'm gay for him. He earns a shocked then sad look from Bakugo.

"I can't believe you still have that..." exclaimed Bakugo quietly. Kirishima and I were both surprised.

"Why wouldn't I?" asked Midoriya.

"I just thought it would hold bad memories. Wait. WHY AM I EXPLAINING ANYTHING TO DEKU?!" Yelled Bakugo making Kirishima laugh as he held his ears.

(A few hours later everyone went home)

I slip through the door of my house, hoping to get to my room before my dad finds me. No such luck. I open the door and walk in.

"SHOTO! WHERE WERE YOU!?" yelled my father the instance I step through the door.

"At a friends." I answered.


"Shut. the-" I started.

"NO! COME HERE WE ARE GOING TO TRAIN!" He grabs my arm, burning me, and pulled me to the training room. My siblings were both in there working with the punching bags. "OUT! NOW!" screamed my father. My father and I trained until I could hardly stand anymore and was bleeding from multiple parts of my body. I practically stumbled out the door into Fuyumis arms. she carried me to my room and bandaged my injuries, she left the room and i got changed.

(Middle of the night)

I woke up to someone lifting me off my bed. I couldn't move. I was terrified. Okay Shoto. Think, who would have the guts to break into Endeavors house in the middle of the night? Is it a villain? No, they wouldn't know where he lives. Would they? I get knocked out.

Hey Guys! Thanks for reading this! Sorry for the cliffhanger but, actually, I'm not sorry! I'm proud of this chapter! This is m longest chapter so far soooooo have a good day!

Love, The Author

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