Chapter 4

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"Who are Rob and Kelsey?" Austin asked, skeptical.

Jeffrey smiled at the redhead, setting his bowl to the side. "They're my friends."

"No shit." Tim said with a roll of his eyes. 

Even with Tim throwing sass at him, Jeffrey kept a smile on his face. He knew that this group wouldn't automatically accept him, and he was understanding. He was optimistic about a lot of things and Sky liked that quality. She wished a lot of her friends could be optimistic as well.

"Sky!" Austin hissed, nudging her. "Stop staring at his beard."

"I can't blame her. It's majestic." Chance said, eyeing Jeffrey.

Sky smirked, pointing at Chance to prove her point to Austin. Jeffrey blushed, thanking them quietly. Alex and Sky shared a knowing look before erupting into a fit of giggles. Avi and Austin sighed, knowing that this would happen. Even if Alex and Sky acted like children, they still loved them more than anything.  


The next morning, every woke up refreshed and ready to move on to the safe house. Tim was still a bit skeptical, but was also willing to do what Sky wanted to do. She was the group leader after all. 

Everyone was packing up their tents and other personal belongings. Alex and Sky were sitting back and watching the others work, claiming that they were too 'royal' to work. 

"You don't live in a castle anymore!" Tim called back over his shoulder. 

"Kiss my ass, Foust!" Alex called back, sipping some water. 

"I'll leave that to Avi!" Alex almost choked on the water he was drinking. Avi dropped everything that he was holding, staring with wide eyes. As many times that the couple have made inappropriate jokes, they still kept a secret from all of their friends. One that was never to be revealed. 

Alex wouldn't even tell his best friend. As much as it hurt him. He hated hiding things from her. It was always hard when the ex princess could read him better than anyone. Better than Avi. 

"Alright then. Are we ready?" Sky interrupted, looking around the camp. Alex nodded, helping his boyfriend pick up the items he had dropped. Avi smiled gratefully, nodding to Sky to let her know it was all good. 

"Let's get the hell out of here!" Austin said, helping Sky onto their horse and riding off into the woods with the other following behind. Jeffrey rode a little bit ahead to direct the group on where to go. Everything was going smoothly. The group of friends all had a good feeling about it. Except Tim. Something just didn't set right with him. 


"Here we are." Jeffrey said, dismounting his horse with a smile in front of a large white house. 

"This. Is. Awesome!" Sky exclaimed, staring at the mansion in awe. Austin could only chuckle at the enthusiasm that his girlfriend had. It was a big reason as to why he loved her. 

"Jeffrey, is that you?" A woman asked, walking out of the house. She was average height and wore glasses. Alex may be dating a man, but he would admit she was good looking. He glanced at Avi, knowing the green eyed man was thinking the same thing. Men, I swear. 

"Kelsey! How are you?" Jeffrey asked, meeting the woman halfway and embracing her. Kelsey smiled and explained that she was doing well and that she was surprised to see him back so soon. After what felt like eternity, she faced the group and smiled. They all introduced themselves, and then she led them into the house. 

"My husband will rally up your horses." She said with a smile. 

In the house, everyone stared in awe this time. The inside of the mansion was not what they expected. Everything was black with gold trim. Awards were posted up everywhere, and everyone was tempted to read them, but Kelsey spoke up. 

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