☀︎︎Freddy Freeman- That Song

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You and Freddy have been dating for almost 4 months now. You and Freddy love watching cliche movies and cuddling or talking about superheroes.

Once Freddy really got to know you he fell in love with you. Your beauty and kindness warmed his heart more then ever. Every time his eyes landed on you he couldn't help but break into a smile. Freddy however was scared you would reject him. He was already insecure about his disability and scared he would never be able to protect you. That's all he ever worried about.

You on the other hand fell hard too so instead of waiting you asked him. Freddy's face lit up and smiled at you like you were his favorite superhero. Freddy put his fears aside and said yes but recently Freddy had gotten distent as time pasted you two never really talked cause everytime you would get close he would get away as fast as he could on his cruch. Freddy had gotten bags underneath his eyes he looked more tired each time you saw him as his eyes didn't shine like they used to. It pained you to see your lover like this. Of course you went to Billy asking him what was going on even he didn't know.

Your P.O.V
I was going over to Freddy's house to see what was wrong. It has already been a week of watching him fall apart it hurt me to see my boyfriend who was always so happy and smiley break slowly.

I knocked on the door with a heavy heart and worried mind as it was opened by Mary.

"Hi Y/N, I assume you have come to see Freddy" Mary said. I nodded fast.

"He is in his room" Mary said opening the door so that I could walk in.

I ran up the stairs and up to the room that Freddy shared with his siblings. I didn't even knock. I opened the door to see Freddy sitting on his bed crying his voice breaking into small sobs. His head whipped up fast when he heard the door open. "Freddy.."I said softly my heart beating fast as I felt a small pain in my chest. " Freddy you can't ke-"
Before I could finish he jumped up from the bed his hands shaking slightly. Freddy grabbed his cruch moving to the door.

"Freddy stop you can't keep ignoring me! And doing this to yourself it's not healthy! Is there someth"

"Y/N,please move" Freddy asked his voice raspy from crying.

"No just...please don't shut me out."

"Don't you understand, Y/N! I am not good enough for you. I can't even protect you!" Freddy pushing past me not spearing me a glance. I bit my lip thinking back to...

A couple weeks before a couple of guys from school where hitting on me and made me uncomfortable. Freddy tried to make them stop but he was just made fun of which gave me 2nd hand embarrassment but it also pain me to see them teasing him pushing him around calling him names. I stood up for and made the boys leave. Freddy did apologize to me while smiling it didn't effect me much I thought the same for him guess I was wrong.

I went out looking for him. I told his family that I would find him and to stay behind.

It was dark when I found him sitting on a swing at the park 1 mile from his house. It was my favorite park the one lit with lights which made it seem we were playing in the middle of an aesthetic photograph.

I walked closer to Freddy moving slowly his head was down as he stared at the snow resting at his feet, swinging slightly. I stood in front of him and took a deep breath.

"Freddy Freeman, I don't care what other people think about you and I don't care what you think about yourself. But I won't let you treat yourself like your nothing. I won't let you stay sad hell I don't need protection from you I just need you to be ok."

I put my hand out for him to take which he did but he grabbed his cruch. I slowly grabbed it from his delicate hand letting it drop. "Y/N!what are y-" I put my finger to his chapped lips to shushing him up. I pulled away from the swings slowly Freddy as he used me to balance himself. I placed both of Freddy's hands around my abdomen and I rapped my hands around his neck, we leaned onto each other while trusting one another as our hearts vested out of our chests.

I could hear Slow Dancing in the Dark playing softly from a club near the park. Freddy and I slightly moved side to side me guiding him in the moment.

"I love you and that is all that matters.." I said softly as tears slowly fell from my eyes I looked up at the beautiful boy his nose slightly red from the cold as his cheeks seemed to heat up from my words.

"I-I love you too Y/n" Freddy said looking into my eyes now he smiled a little tears welling into his eyes.

I started to lean in so did Freddy as our lips brushed softly a warm feeling fell over my body despite the cold. Freddy moved a hand to the back of my head deepening the kiss as everything started to fade moving Fred and I to our own world though I could still hear that song.

Unedited: 2019 think.
Edited: 2020 I hate this so much.

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