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After fourth period has ended. Joe went to introduce himself to Rebecca. "Hey, im Joe. Your Rebecca right?" "Yea!". She started talking to Joe and explaining how she just got out of a relation shop with this weird creepy and violent boy named John.
"JOE!" Shara screamed down the hall way. "Why are you flerting with her." "I wasnt! You are so over reacting." Joe exclaimed.
After Joe said that Shara went and punched Rebecca in the mouth. Blood went gushing al on to the floor "That is what happens when you flert with other girls Joe!".
Shara got suspended for a month. 4 of Rebecca's teeth got knocked out and 2 became wiggly. After that happend it was time to go home. Joe went home first before he went t ok James house.
"Mom I'm home" joe yelled in the house. He started his homework as he ate dinner. He grabbed his ice skates and got into the car and heeded to James.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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