Chapter 1
"It was around 4:15 AM when Patrick, the janitor, is awoken by his fellow bunkmates screaming.
Fearful, yet calm, he checks what the comotion is about.
He pokes his head out. Pat sees his buddy, Mike, frozen with fear, mouth agape in the bunk across from him. Pat scoots out of his bunk and plops to the ground. He hears a crunchy and chewwy noise behind him. He turns and looks down at the floor to see his bunkmate, Tyler, eating the face of the other bunkmate, Brian.
His heart begins racing, his hands are shaking, on the verge of puking, Tyler, or atleast what use to be Tyler, gets up and his head makes a complete 180 degree turn. That creature, in a echoing and demonic voice, 'Tu... altera.' The creature's body turns foward and jumps at Pat and pins him to the ground.
It aims for his throat going in for the kill but Pat wouldn't let that happen, he was struggling with more force than he'd ever had before. His fight or flight was kicked into overdrive, and not being able to flee, he began to fight with everything he's ever had.
For what felt like ages of struggling, Pat begins to feel the monster get the better of him. Pat could see flashbacks of his life as he felt the breath of the monster on his neck.
All of sudden, blood splattered all over him. As if an angel from heaven came down to save him, the monster had a pipe lodged in it's head, killing it. Mike was standing over them. 'MIKE YOU MAGNIFICENT BASTARD!' Pat yelled with both joy and relief.
Mike helps Pat up and asks, 'What the hell is going on?' Pat responds with, 'I don't know, but it ain't human. Now that's for sure.' They have a tearful embrace. 'Lets get out of here.' Mike states.
Both of them exit the room to see in horror to see an entire hallway full of monsters. Mike lets out a yelp and is frozen with fear again.
The creatures hear it and turn to see two delicious meals. In unison, they all screech, 'Preda!'
Pat looks to his right and sees the janitor's closet. Quickly grabbing Mike and throwing him in the closet, Pat follows quickly, just nearly avoiding the dozen of monsters.
Locking them in the closet, Mike collapses to the ground and rolls up into a ball. Pat looks around and notices a latter, remembering that all janitor closets are interconnected for easier access around the four floors of the submarine. He climbs up the latter and gets to the 3rd floor janitor closet. He opens the hatch and motions Mike to follow him. Mike, still frozen in fear, stays curled up in a ball.
The door finally gives out and the monsters all pounce on Mike. All Pat can do is witnesses the horror of Mike being ripped to shreds. His screams of shock and terror still haunt Pat to this day. Never in Pat's life has he heard something so spine-chilling and stomach-twisting. Not to mention he was being thrown around like a toy as his insides became his outsides.
Pat quickly closes the hatch when one of the creatures notice him. He closes the hatch tightly hoping this was enough to buy him some time before they broke through. He needed to get out of there quick before he meet the same fate as Mike.
He gets off the floor and slowly opens the door into the 3rd floor. Looking down the hallway he sees no one. Silently, he closes the janitor closet behind him and starts walking towards the mess hall .
Still being as quite as one can be in this situation, he opens the door to the mess hall. Taking a peek inside, he quickly turns his back and walks out.
He bangs his fist against the wall and begins to pray to God. Unaware of his surroundings, he turns around to see fifty of his former friends all staring at him with hungry eyes. One of them hisses, 'Diabolus dat nobis aliud agunt?' Another one shrieks, 'Nos festo!'
Pat quickly slings the mess hall door open and darts for the janitor closet, avoiding all the disfigured bodies on the floor. He locks the door and takes a quick breath.
Pat looks up at the forth floor hatch and climbs up the latter to unlock the hatch only to hear a 'thunk'. It was locked.
With tears in his eyes, Pat whispers out, 'Why God?' He bangs on the hatch and calls for help desperately. No answer. He notices the door is about to give and all the creatures from the second floor are still clawing away at the hatch, howling in hunger.
Pat knows he won't go down without a fight. Already knowing who the winner of this fight will be, he slides down the latter and grabs the first thing he sees, a mop.
With no escape, and only death, he prepares himself for the worst." I finished the story for now. I, skillfully, had the entire room hooked. Now to begin my master explanation and get the necessary funding for the sub.
The Mariana
غموض / إثارةDe profundis. My friend made this story. All credit goes to him. I am only the messenger and editor.