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Three years ago. That's when the accident happened. Three years ago, I lost my twin and mom. Three years ago, the nightmares started. Three years ago, my life collapsed.


"Skylarrr!!! Wake up, Sky! Its time for school...or should I say time for prison?", my best friend Gracie barged into my room. 

"Ughh. Every day I question myself why haven't I run you over with my car?", I reply. 

 "Hurry up! I've heard that Raven Richards is coming!", Gracie screamed.

 "As in the Raven Richards? As in the number 1 racer in the world? You got to be kidding me."

This revelation got me moving. Raven Richards was one of the hottest people and he has been my sole inspiration for racing. I quickly took a bath, brushed my teeth and got ready. Today I decided to curl my hair into beach waves and wore jeans and a crop top.

I slipped on my black converse and ran down, grabbed my car keys with Gracie on my heels. She doesn't question me as I move this fast because she knows that getting to meet Raven Richards is a dream come true.

I quickly drive to Starbucks, buy a coffee for both of us and then rush to school. I head to my locker to see my schedule and get the books for my first class. Right then, I hear a lot of commotion at the school entrance. I head over to see a sports car coming up followed by at least a dozen paparazzi and a group of students, especially girls. But what I didn't understand is why they were crowding around. Then it strikes me, Raven Richards is here!

Oh my god! He is here! I'm not able to breathe! Oh god!!

Snap out of it Skylar! You are acting like one of those clingy, superficial fangirls. Yes, he is your role model and you are a very big fan, but you must remember he is like any other teenage boy. He is at this school to be normal. So you will give him as much normalness possible from your side.

After saying all of this to myself I head to my first class: English. I'm glad. Noah is also in that class. I head inside and am greeted by Noah, who makes sure each and every student is aware of my presence.

 He screams," Skylar!!! My best friend ever! Oh god! I haven't seen you in so long." 

"Gee, thank you for telling the entire class I'm here you idiot!" 

"Oh! You're welcome, m'lady." 

 I go and take my usual seat behind Noah in the second last row, next to the window. The seat behind me was as usual empty.

Mr. Evans, my English teacher started the class. Since it was the first day of senior year, he started off by telling us the novels to be read this year. Five minutes into the class, the door banged open and the Raven Richards stood at the doorway, every girl in the class was swooning looking at him (including me) and the guys were looking at him in admiration. But, Mr. Evans was unfazed by his fame. 

He started," Mr. Richards, you cannot be late for the class. Why are you late?" 

Raven cockily replied," Yeah, stopped by my lovely fans doesn't really allow me to be on time", he looked at all of us and said," Sorry, my dear fans sitting here, I love all of you."

This seemed to make Mr. Evans angrier, "MR. RICHARDS! You cannot disturb my class like this! Go take a seat. Oh, and yeah, you have detention after school today." 

Raven looked around the class, searching for a seat. Suddenly, he fixes his gaze behind me, I look behind to realize he is staring at the empty seat behind me. Suddenly, I don't know whether to be disappointed or happy. Disappointed because first of all, he is completely opposite of what I had imagined. He is cocky, arrogant and all other things I hadn't imagined him to be. This made me not like him. I thought he would be nice and grounded, and most of all I thought he wouldn't succumb to his fame. But unfortunately, that's exactly what happened. I put my head on the table, frustrated with the whole ordeal.

Just then I heard someone pass me but my head remained where it was. " Ms. Wilder! Please pay attention! You don't come to class to sleep!", Mr. Evans screams at me. 

Ugh! I swear this man here is going to be the death of me. It pissed me off so much I can't believe the next words came out of my mouth. 

" Yeah, I would have been paying attention if you were not so boring. The worst thing is you shout so much that we can't even fall asleep. The only beauty sleep I can get is after school."

Mr. Evans just looked at me. Shocked. What can I say, I am a girl of many surprises. 

" Ms. Wilder your words have landed you in after-school detention with Mr. Richard, so you can say goodbye to your after school sleep too. By the way, don't think you can sleep in detention, today I am your detention teacher."

Hearing this my eyes widened. First off, this is the first detention I have ever gotten in my whole school life. Second, DETENTION WITH RAVEN RICHARDS! As much as I idolize him, his attitude is pure shit and I hate it. In fact, I have started hating him itself! Ugh! 1 whole hour with him after school?! It's too much for me.

Just then the bell rang, saving from any further torture.

I take my books and start out with Noah. " Isn't Raven like your idol or something?" he asks. 

"Yeah, why?" 

"You seem to hate him."

 " I was not being very subtle, was I?"


Suddenly, I feel a presence over my shoulder. "See you in detention, sweetheart." I look back to see Raven walking away.

Ugh! That boy!!


Hello! That's the first chapter for all of you. Please.... pretty please... Comment. Vote. Share.

This is my first book so please tell me if something needs to be improved. You can comment it below or PM me.


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