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Here's a short story by yours truly, Ice Prince and Ghost Writer.

I remember the time when you first held me on your hands. That was the first time I knew what warmth is. The rain was pouring hard, and you covered me with your jacket. That was the time you took me home.

That was 7 years ago Heinz.

I wagged my tail as you walked me down the street, we're taking our everyday stroll on the town. People patted my head as they saw me. I licked their hands in reply. Funny isn't it? Humans seem to love patting our heads and their hands being licked.

"Come here Robbie!" You called me out as you entered the store. The storeowner noticed me tagging along with you, he pat my head and gave me a biscuit. The storeowner was a nice guy.

I waited for you next at the cashier, you took some ingredients for tonight's dinner. You place them down at the basket and brought them to the cashier. The storeowner gave you a free pack of biscuits. That was the old days. We would share the biscuits and you always give me the last two biscuits.

I was blessed. Yes I am. People used to threw rocks at me at the bridge, if you haven't found me, I could've starved to death. Then you came. You were carrying an umbrella. The moment you saw me, you unbuttoned your jacket and covered it on me. I asked, why?

Why would someone like you be that kind?

You would pat my head before we go to bed, and sometimes you would tell me stories. And I would stare at your sparkling eyes as you utter each word.

"Let's go to sleep now Robbie." Heinz said as he took my little bed near his bedpost. I went to my own bed and watched you drift to sleep.

I was sleepy back then.

The ground shook, and the ceiling came falling in. I barked hard, yet you can't hear me. Heinz wake up! There's an earthquake!

I pulled you down and hid you under your desk. The desk was sturdy, so I left you there. I broke the doorknob and hurried to your parents' room. They were still asleep, I took them both under your father's office desk. I pulled their blanket from the bed and placed it on them. I hurriedly went back to your room, but the floor started to crack. The earth shook harder and harder. I fell down Heinz.

Alas, light came when I patiently waited. I forced my way through from the broken parts of the house. But something was keeping me hold. I felt something big tugging and biting through my skin. It felt like my stomach was lurching. I cried. My tears poured down as I forced myself to free from the metal that tore its way to my skin. There was a big wound on my stomach. But that didn't stopped me from looking for you.

I looked and sniffed through the rubbles of our house. I first found your parents, they were trapped under bricks. I pushed all the bricks until your father lifted your mother. They were alive.

I hurriedly looked for your desk. I sniffed the parameters. I found the desk covered by bricks and cement. I saw you gasping for air. My blood was dripping. But I chose to save you. I barked louder and louder until the rescuers heard me. They took your parents on an ambulance while two men brought a stretch bed, they were pacing towards your direction.

A man calmed me down as he slowly made me lie down. I was happy you're safe Heinz.

"Robbie!" You shouted when you saw me. You paced towards me, and held me on your lap. Why are you crying Heinz?

Don't worry, I'll always look after you.

I can finally go to sleep now Heinz.

The pain was slowly fading as I slowly closed my eyes.

Thank you for saving me, Heinz.

By Yours Truly, Ice Prince: The Story CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now