Xana 2.0

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        (This is based on the first episode of code lyoko evolution but of course with slight changes).

You were best friend of Jeremy,Ulrich,Aelita,Yumi,Odd. You were also a Lyoko warrior. It Gym class but you guys were in the computer lab because Jim had to show you something on the CD. You were sitting behind Odd and Ulrich while Jeremy and Aelita were sitting in the middle row. You could hear all of the conversation that was going on between Odd and Ulrich. You had a cruch on Ulrich but of course he just had to fall in love with Yumi. You really liked her. She was a great person and of course you thought that she was much better than you but still you and Yumi were like the 'cool sisters'. You were really helpful towards each other and you guys were the best of friends. Odd was talking to Ulrich."Ulrich. Are you okay?"He continued speaking."Oh no, don't tell me its about Yumi again........................Come on, let it all hang out and speak to her.""What do you want me to say?Hi Yumi, I love you, you are the woman of my life. yeah right."You felt as if you were going to cry any second now. He was head over heels for Yumi.Your thoughts were interrupted when Jim's voice boomed."Where's the mouth that swallows the CDs?"He said will shaking the monitor with both of his hands."This is impossible."He said. You didn't hear the rest of the conversation of Odd and Ulrich because you just couldn't listen to Ulrich talking about the love of his life. He was oblivious to the fact that he had just broken a heart. You looked over to Jim who had found the 'mouth that swallows CDs' after all but as soon as he was about to put the CD in he was electrified and due to it he landed a bit far from the monitor. Odd and Ulrich were laughing but you saw something something suspicious on the screen of your computer. It seemed like Xana........... You gulped and looked over at Aelita and you understood that she also saw something suspicious because she was nudging Jeremy. You got worried but shrugged it off.

             After some classes the bell rang and all of you were outside. You got out of class and headed towards Aelita but stopped behind a pillar when you saw Ulrich and Odd sitting on a bench. Ulrich was looking at Yumi while she was talking to William Dunbar. He was a nice guy but Ulrich was jealous of him. Odd and Ulrich were talking about him when Odd pushed him to go to Yumi. You frowned and went towards Aelita but as your head was down you couldn't see who was in front of you and you bumped into him. You mumbled a 'sorry' before heading off to Aelita. Ulrich called after you but you ignored him.Ulrich got a bit worried but shrugged it off and focused on talking to Yumi. You headed over to Aelita and Jeremy who were having a kind of fight.Not really but you immediately went there. "Hi, Jeremy,Aelita I need to talk to you. Its important. Very important.""Did you also see?""Xana......." You said to Aelita before you guys had to cover your ears as a loud alarm sound erupted from the speaker. As it stopped the speaker fell down and you saw the same unnatural light around the wire."Did you see it?" You and Aelita asked Jeremy but he responded you guys with a shake of the head indicating that he didn't.

You guys lived at your school because it was a hostel. You guys gathered in Jeremy's bedroom. You sat on the bed as Aelita told about what she saw."Aelita's right......we should go turn on the super computer." Jeremy said and you guys went to the super computer. You guys went deeper into the forest and saw the opening to a tunnel. Jeremy opened and one by one you went in there. Everything was the same. Nobody spoke a word. Jeremy put the password in the elevator and it opened.You went there as quickly as possible. You guys went into the supercomputer computer. It was freezing there. Yumi said."I'm freezing here.""yeah........it was the supercomputer because of which there was heat." As Jeremy was about put in the key inside the key portal Ulrich stopped him."Wait. Just on (y/n)'s and Aelita's feelings we-""look....we saw what we saw. Turn it on Jeremy or else I will do it myself." You looked at Ulrich who just sighed. Jeremy put the key in and the super computer rose and suddenly the coldness of the room  disappeared.

"Every thing's in order.Wait!"Jeremy said as he sat on the chair looking at the screen of the computer.Aelita was standing beside his chaor and you and Ulrich were standing behind Aelita while Yumi and Odd were sitting near the hologram portal."What?Xana?"Aelita's ears perked up."No,two of the sectors are not there maybe there data was lost when we shut down the super computer." He ran a scan but there was nothing to be found.Even the towers were deactivated."Maybe there is another virtual world."Aelita said."No it can't be. we have destroyed all replicas.""Xana doesn't leave a note saying 'I'm back'."Aelita said."I want to go to lyoko to see my father before you turn it off again.""Yeah it is a great idea."Odd said as his eyes were drooping with sleep." I will go too." You said but were stopped by a loud "NO!" You turned around and saw Ulrich, you tilted your head a bit and squinted your eyes."I mean........what will h-happen....i-i-if Xana.....uhh..actually attacks........we won't......." He looked at your confused face slowly."yeah.......he's right as you are our best warrior we will need you." Jeremy said.You were the best warrior, the most powerful, you guys had checked your statistics earlier. You sighed and sat on the floor as odd and Aelita got virtualized. You missed lyoko a lot. Ulrich sat next to you. As soon as they were virtualized, Yumi asked Jeremy,"As soon as they are finished with their small walk will you turn off the supercomputer?""yeah..." He responded. They were about to get up but Jeremy and you saw something suspicious on the supercomputer. You guys tried to call them but they went back to the Academy.

As Ulrich and Yumi were going back yumi spoke up," I love (y/n) and Aelita.....but they......they are just over reacting to this situation. Especially (y/n)." Ulrich was surprised when he realized that he got a bit angry at Yumi for saying that (y/n) was over reacting.'what was going on with him?'He thought."Did you want to tell me something?"Yumi spoke up."yeah.......lets go to the gym."

Meanwhile on Lyoko Odd was thinking about converting lyoko into a theme park while Aelita was focused on the lyoko and her father."There is an activated tower in sector five.""but there is only one tower and it is inactive."odd said."must be another tower."Jeremy said.As if on cue three megatanks appeared and Jeremy guided odd and Aelita to the tower.

Meanwhile, Jim who was there in the gym with Yumi and Ulrich, was electrified and a clone of him appeared and that clone was made by Xana and unforunately Ulrich got touched by it so he felt a bit dizzy and his vision got blurry. Jeremy contacted him but was put on voice mail. Yumi took Ulrich to the supercomputer. Odd was fighting against the magetanks but was devirtualized so Aelita was on her own. Jeremy still stopped you from going."Aelita! Yumi's coming."Jeremy said."Jeremy I'm here. Tell (y/n) to hurry. Ulrich is near the entrance."Yumi said.Jeremy transferred her but there was another problem.Jeremy tried to call you but you were long gone. As soon as the elevator opened you ran towards ulrich who was sitting with his back pressed against the wall. He thought maybe it was the specter who was Jim but it was you. You put a hand on his shoulder, he relaxed."hey,hey,hey it's me." you gently draped his arm over your shoulder and led him to the elevator but the specter who was Jim, emerged from behind. You sat Ulrich down and went towards the specter. Ulrich tried to get up to stop you but he had no energy left."No,(y/n) don't."He could barely speak."You want to fight huh?" You were great at hand to hand combat as well, you kicked him despite Ulrich's protests. He lurched backwards but instantly grabbed your wrists which made you weak. You felt as if someone was taking all the energy from you."(y/n) no!"He tried to get up and come towards you but he felt extremely weak because he also got touched by the specter. You dropped to your knees. Your head was down but suddenly the specter exploded and you fell to the ground unconscious."(y/n)!"Ulrich went towards you but everything turned white signalling him that they were returning to the past now. He sighed in relief.

They were back in Jeremy's room but you were still unconscious. You were laying on Jeremy's bed as this where the past took you guys."When will she wake up?"Odd asked as he looked over to you."Franz Hopper...............Aelita...........code.........cortex."You said those words in your sleep and woke up and startled everyone."(Y/n)!You okay?"Ulrich put a hand on your shoulder. Aelita went towards your side comforting you as Jeremy was confused at what you said.You looked at Aelita."We need to go to the cortex.""Cortex?"Aelita asked as she furrowed her eyebrows."Your dad.......he is in the cortex." You told her.Jeremy told you guys about the red halo and source codes that Xana injected in you guys.

                                                        The Lyoko warriors were back.

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