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                 "So I need to go ask help from Laura?" Ulrich asked Jeremy."Yeah...we need her help."Jeremy responded."we just need her brain to defeat Xana."Odd added."it doesn't feel right.its not fair."Yumi said."we will just do a return to a past and she will forget everything."if it's for a good cause, to get this virus then I am okay with it."William said."Why can't we just do it ourselves?" Aelita said."Yeah....why don't we try again?"you added."because I need help, I can't do it all alone." Jeremy snapped at you."Hey!" Ulrich was about to shout but he stopped himself."no need to talk to them like that,okay?" Ulrich said to Jeremy in a calm tone. Aelita sighed. It was clear that she was jealous.

You went to the library where Laura was studying. You guys hid behind a book rack. You guys were discussing on how to take Laura to the factory. Odd ran towards her and grabbed her iPad and ran away. You all followed him to the factory. After sometime Laura arrived. Odd gave her tab. She was confused."what is this place? A NASA research centre?" "No it is some sort of particle physics lab but much better?"Jeremy said."Who are you?""We are normal students just like you."William said as he smirked."Ever heard about viruses?""Yeah I know about viruses.""Well we have got a problem. Will you help us?""sure." She said as she was dragged by the hand by Jeremy. Aelita glared at Jeremy. You put your hand on Aelita's shoulder. "Hey, don't be jealous. It's not a good thing." You then went to Laura and Jeremy Where they were pondering and solving the problem and Jeremy was probably amazed. He looked at everyone and when his gaze landed on you said." I am heading to class early." As you went in the elevator some one came up behind you. It was Ulrich."what are you doing here?" You asked. "Going to class.""but you never go to class that early.""you too." The elevator stopped and you got out but Ulrich grabbed your hand. "Is some thing going on?""what?"you asked with a confused face." I mean are you okay?" You released your hand from his grasp."everything's fine."" Then why are you acting weird?" He stepped in front of you to block your way."I am not."" You are." "Why do you think that?""'ve been quiet today plus you objected to when Laura was invited by Jeremy to the lab.""Oh...don't you think that we are doing something wrong? Like using Laura as a tool and then just returning into the past. I don't know about you guys but I feel guilty and I don't like it and although you guys are my friends but still what's bad remains bad. I don't like it. It's wrong and so I am not in this plan." You looked at him and he seemed to understand what you were trying to say. You then hurried to class with him on your tail.

You guys all went to the library as it was return to the past. Odd ran to Laura and talked her about something and came back and winked at you guys, you guys understood that he was successful in his mission. "So you have the virus right?" Ulrich asked."Yes now we have to inject it into the cortex.

You guys went to the digital sea in the skid without William because he had a class to attend to. "I need to check what Laura did.she was way fast and there are several other made up programmes as well."Jeremy said."I need Laura is way smarter than Jeremy so she should be in place of Jeremy.""Odd shut up."Ulrich and Yumi said at the same time. You rolled your eyes but what you didn't know was that Ulrich was doing it so that you wouldn't get upset or anything. He cared for you a lot but you didn't know. He even wanted to care as much as he could for you and he did probably even more than he had the capacity of. He loved you dearly. You guys entered the replica.  you didn't know what was going inside but you just heard jeremy's Message that Laura had some visions. This got you worried. You continued your way towards the cortex. You had never sat in the megapod but you really wanted to though. Ulrich always felt guilty for sitting himself in the megapod and you tiring your self by flying.

Suddenly, God listened to you and you were transformed into the megapod in the front seat. "Whoah.....this is cool." You awed."you have NEVER been in the megapod?" Odd asked as his eyes widened."no, never." "Well someone was insisting on transforming you here." Odd said."Odd shut up."Ulrich slapped him on the shoulder. He and Yumi snickered. You smiled a bit and focused on the mission."Why did aelita go?"You asked."she said that if there is a problem in the return to he past the  she needs to be there." Yumi said. You nodded. "If I tell you it's for a completely different reason." Odd said while smirking. "Odd shut up!!!" All three of you yelled in sync."what? She is you know.....jealous."odd whispered the last past so that Jeremy couldn't hear it. You guys reached the cortex. The door was opened and You guys ran for it. Suddenly,the platforms separated and odd slid down the platform."Jeremy devirtualize home. Quick." "I will try." You tried to fly but you couldn't."what?p is happening? Jeremy devirtualize him. I can't fly. I don't know what's wrong.""what do you mean?" Ulrich ran unto you as odd devirtualize. He held your shoulders." What do you mean?" He asked as he looked at you with a concerned expression. "I don't know. I can't fly."" Jeremy what happened to her?" Yumi asked him. "Probably Laura made so,e sort of programme that affected your flying ability and because it was not something I made. It was created by the digital sea or something else somehow, That's why I can't do anything about it but after this mission I will try to bring it back." You looked down  but Ulrich lifted your chin up."it's okay. Everything will be fine." "Let's go." Yumi said as the doors were about to close. You guys made it just in time."Jeremy we will tell you as soon as we are in the centre of the cortex." Ulrich said and you three went to the core of the cortex.

You three went to the panel and waited for the virus to be transferred to you guys but nothing was happening."it's not here Jeremy." Yumi said but all of a sudden a Loud sound pierced in your  eyes."ah what's that!"your three shouted. Ulrich covered your ears and pulled you to him as if he was hugging you. He didn't cover his own ears."Ulrich!" You shouted at him. He shut his eyes tightly bearing the sound. Suddenly it stopped. "You okay?" You asked Ulrich. "Yeah and you?" He still was concerned about you. "I am okay." You looked at him worriedly."look I am okay (y/n) I can hear everything properly."he assured you. You sighed in relief. Ulrich smiled at you when you not looking. He was happy that you cared for him.

"Oh no! I detect alien presences." Everyone got confused. "Look over there." Yumi said." Where?" You and ulrich asked. "I saw something." You guys drew your weapons out."I heard something." You said."did you?" you asked Yumi and Ulrich." Yeah, and I don't like it at all." Ulrich said. Yumi saw something under ulrich's feet and threw her fan at it."under your feet." She yelled. Suddenly, a green something something something appeared and devirtualize Yumi."Guys!"she yelled. You looked at her but she was gone. "Where are those things?" You yelled."I don't see anything Jeremy how can you see five presences?" You continued. "They are with you, just be careful." Jeremy said to you guys."suddenly two appeared in front of Ulrich and could the hear the others asking how they look like." You grabbed ulrich's hand and ran. You didn't know but Ulrich got devirtualized and it was only you who was left. They were five, you were one. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You jumped backwards and landed smoothly on the lower platform. You knew that there was one behind you. You acted as if you didn't know and without warning you slashed (y/w) at him. You thanked God and smiled. "Nice work (y/n)." You heard Ulrich from the earpiece."Ahh." You opened your eyes and were back in the scanner. You took deep breaths. You went to the rest. You were still breathing heavily. Ulrich sensed this and rushed to you. He supported you and made you sit near the hologram."You okay?" You didn't answer. You didn't know why you felt this way. You felt as if all energy is drained from you. Ulrich grabbed your hand and gently rubbed your back. Yumi put a hand on your shoulder."You okay?" You looked at her and sighed."I am not really sure." You managed to croak out."Jeremy why is she feeling this way, we are not.""I don't know, I am going to figure it our though, this is probably nothing or a serious matter. I think it's related to the programme Laura made."

You guys returned to jeremy's Room." You mean if we do another return to the past, it won't work?""Yeah.""Jeremy we need to stop her, she is hurting (y/n)."Ulrich never let go of your hand.He got furious. He nodded and said."You guys were right we should have done it ourselves."Jeremy looked at you and Aelita. "Are you feeling better (y/n)?" Jeremy said."Yeah...." suddenly, a video appeared on jeremy's Laptop." You are not going to hurt my daughters." You guys rushed over to the laptop. "Too late for that. I have already inserted a programme in Aelita and (y/n) which can only be destroyed with their lives." Tyron said.

Suddenly, a message appeared on jeremy's screen and he smiled. "No need to worry about it Aelita and (y/n). Think as if your programme has already been destroyed." He closed his laptop and turned to you guys. You guys look at him with a confused face." You both just need to stay in lyoko for one week." You looked over to Aelita. She looked back." Easy for me. How's about you sister?" She challenged you. You smirked at her." Don't fret about me. I am a tough nut sister." 

You guys were going to your rooms. You were beyond excited that you were going to stay on lyoko for a week but the difficult part was that you would have to start all over again if you devirtualize. Ulrich followed you to your room and all of a sudden he hugged you. "I am going to miss you." You were shocked but hugged him back." I am going to visit you everyday and be on lyoko with you guys after classes.okay?" You nodded and smiled." Get ready for tomorrow." He said while closing the door. "Make good notes!" You shouted."we'll see about that." He then got hit in his head by your pillow."Hey!" You and him started laughing.

                  You had this feeling that he liked you but what you didn't know was that you were wrong. He never liked you, instead he loved you.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2019 ⏰

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