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I sighed as I looked at my schedule. My first class is Math. Great,right? For all the subject that can be first, why is it,Math? It's not that I hate Math, it's just that I'm not good at it.

"LEXI!" I looked around only to find out that it was Raine.

Don't get me wrong,Raine is my friend that happens to be popular that's why everyone is looking at me as if I did something wrong.

I got off my earphones.

"What?" I asked as soon as she's infront of me.

"Did you know that there are new students..." She stated

"Ah." I stated boredly. I mean,that's nothing to be excited off,right? Unless...

"And they're all handsome!" She yelled.

I face palmed and just went inside of my room. Raine's not my classmate and I don't have any other friend like her in my class.

I put my earphones back and just put my head on my table.

This will be boring as hell.

Everyone kept quiet. No. I don't know why though and yes, I can still hear them despite of me,listening to the music

"Move." I looked at the one who stated that word. I looked around only to find out that it was Ace.

The guy beside me got up and changed his seat. I raised my one eyebrow.

What the hell is he doing in here?

Everyone became oddly quiet. I looked around only to find out that they're all looking at us.

"Uhh...hi?" I said,just to break the silence.

He raised his one eyebrow to me and just sit beside me. Many of my classmates look at me as if I did something wrong.

I was about to say something when our teacher came.

Then I guess,just have to wait 'till break then.


"KYAAA! He's your classmate. Really?" Raine asked me.

"What's with the screaming??" I asked her.

"Did you know that Ace is one of the best player in terms of archery?" She stated

"Uhh..no?" I answered. He's a transferee afterall so I wonder how Raine got this information of hers.

"Well. We really need to recruit him in our club..." Raine stated.

"Ask the president though..." I stated.

Yes. We had our clubs it is required to join any clubs in our school so no choice but to choose the one my life's been part of.


Oh,well. Nevermind.

"Ahh.I'm sure the president won't mind. I mean, you are the ace of the club and speaking of which, isn't there a competition next week?" Raine asked

"Its just a elimination though. Many students want to join the club after the team won the National Competition last year." I shrugged.

"Woah! ELIXIR! " Raine grinned at me.

"What?" I asked her. What's with her screaming?

"Nothing." She stated. I rolled my eyes and just stood up. Our club president wants us to come to our office.

"What?" I asked as soon as I went inside of our office.

"As you can see at my table. There are papers. They're all the list of the students who want to be with this club and I know the elimination is on next week but I'd like to ask for your approval in this ..." She handed me the paper.

She's our club president, Tala. Half Filipino,half Korean and yeah, she's a bitch.

I looked at the paper she gave me.

Ace Evan Sy

I raised my one eyebrow. Why is he---?

"You want to recruit him,immediately?" I asked her.

She nodded.

"I just want to know your opinion." Tala shrugged.

I sighed.

"No." I firmly stated

She looked at me as if I'm crazy.

"Every clubs in our school wants him to be their member. Our club is the only one whom he choose..." I rolled my eyes.

She wants my approval and yet---.

"Fine. He's in." I stated and went outside.


In the end, I went home alone. Raine is with her other friends so I ended up by myself. It's fine though.

More alone time for myself.

I put my earphones,still walking on my way home. My house is not that far so I can manage.

Its just 5 kilometers away from school.

I sighed. I already started it so might as well finish it.

I'm in the middle of my walking when I noticed the black van following me.

I'm not dumb to not notice that. I
stopped that made the van stopped too. I got my broken arrow. Yes. I have one broken arrow in my pocket. Always.

"Who are you?" I asked the guys inside the van. They didn't even bother to open the window and just dragged me inside.

"Hey! What the fvck?! Who are you,guys?!" I asked them.

Why are they wearing our school uniform? Or else---.

"Who the fvck are you and why are you,guys, wearing our school uniform?" I asked them again.

"Aww...you're so easy to forget. Its us. " By that,they all got their masks off their faces.

I rolled my eyes.

Well. So much for the cursing. Its just them.

"You really scared the shit out of me, guys..." I stated.



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