3:House of Cards

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I looked at my watch then looked at the boys. And yeah,by the mean boys , I mean them. They're playing cards on their house and I don't get it why they need me here. They can just play without tagging me in,right?

"So,here's the judge..." Jester dragged me in front of them.

I blinked two times before looking at Jester. I pointed myself.

"Me? Why?" I asked him.

"Cause you're ---"Jester looked at Ace as if asking a permission. Ace glared at Jester that made Jester gulped and then he looked at me.

" Ace's classmate. Right! Classmate." Why do I have the feeling that its not it?

I shrugged my thoughts and just looked at what they did at the table.

Cards. House of Cards, to be exact.

"So...what's the deal with this?" I asked them.

"You just have to choose which one is taller??" Jester grinned and the others nodded.

"Taller? That doesn't make sense. You just need to put some to make your house of cards taller." I stated

Jerome nodded.

"Well. Point taken but we had our time limit so...yeah you get it." Jerome stated

I sighed.

"Well. If I'll be the one who judge it then..." I went to the table and shook it off a bit.

As expected,some of the cards fell after I shook the table. And the last house of card standing is....

"This..." I stated and pointed at the house of cards that is still standing despite of me,shook the table.

"That's...." Everyone looked at Yuri and Ace. I looked at them and then at Yuri and Ace.

"Oh? You're the creators of this house of cards??" I asked them.

Rex nodded.

"Yep.They are..." He stated

"Then I guess,this is the winner..." I stated but speaking of which...

"Wait. What's even the price anyway? To think that Ace and Yuri joined that silly games of yours..." I asked them.

"Well. The price is that---" Jester was about to say what's the price when Jerome decided to butt in.

"Secret." He said

I rolled my eyes. Well,whatever that secret is, must be very worth it,right?

I looked at my watch. Its almost time for me to go home. Its dinner time actually.

I got my phone and took a picture of the house of cards they made.

"What was that for?" Jester asked me.

I shrugged. Its for my album slash journal. I always took a photo of something that reminds me of that certain day.

"I'm going home now. Its almost dinner time." I stated.

"Then why don't you come and join us?" James stated

Me? Joining them?


" I-- Sure. Maybe I can. I'm all alone anyways..." I stated

Jester clapped his hands.

"Great!" Jester exclaimed.

I just smiled at them.


I'm in their balcony. Yes. They have one. I don't even know how they get one but anyways its not about the balcony. Its about the view.

Who would've thought that the city's beautiful at night.

Probably not me.

"What are you doing in here?" I looked at the one who said it which is I kind of regret.


"Nothing." I answered

He went to the balcony and sat at it.

"Yah! Don't sit there! You might fall." I warned him.

He,being a stubborn guy, didn't listen and instead he keeps on swaying his feet.

Then silence...I'm comfortable with it though since I grew up with silence surrounds me.

"Can I ask you some question?" I stated

"You already did." He replied that made me rolled my eyes.

"Why did you join the archery club?" I asked him

"There's someone I want to find or no---, let me put it this way, There's someone I want to save ..." Ace answered.

What? Someone? Save? Huh?

"It doesn't make sense at all..." I said

"Yeah. Like your existence..." He snickered.

"Want me to kick your balls?" I glared at him.

He put his hands on the edge of the balcony and jumped at me.

"Nah.Don't want to." He stated and walked away from me but then stopped on his way.

"Do you know why I decided to join that game?" He suddenly stated.

What game? The game of cards earlier?

"It's because that's what suppose to be..." He stated and he looked at me.

"That's what destiny was supposed to be.." He stated and walked away far from me.

That made me confuse.


Third Person's POV

"Aww,man. I can't believe Ace and Yuri joined the game just for two pictures I have of Lexi..." Jerome laughed. Elixir already left with James as her "companion".

Rex smirked.

"Yeah. Even I can't believe it myself." Rex stated

Ace and Yuri glared at them. Jasper stood up suddenly that made everyone looked at him.

"I'm going to my room. Excuse me..." He excuse himself and went on his room.

Jerome looked at the others and then they all grinned.

"Someone's jealous..." Jerome stated as they all looked at Jasper's room.

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