~Memories Haunt The Peaceful Dreams~

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"Lizzy look!" Ciel points at Noah's Ark and smiles, his adorable little boy eyes popping out and sparkling with the beautiful sapphire blue color "isn't it just...amazing?" he giggles and sits by her, he wore a perfectly white clean shirt with black shorts and knee socks with nice shoes.

Lizzy smiles and starts to take out the animals out of the boat, her blonde curls in pigtails bouncing on her shoulders as she giggles with joy and scootched closer to him "Ciel! How do they all fit inside?!... its a magical boat!.... look ciel! Monkeys!.." she holds the small toy at him.

He giggles, taking the monkey as he made it tickle her nose trying to be silly and make her laugh.

Madam red smiles at the two playing, then feels a tap on her shoulder, he turns and sees an envelope in her face. When she takes it, she opens it and reads...her smile fades a bit but she has to fake it well for Ciel

"Ciel...your father....hes welcomed you home now!" She waits for him to hug her, knowing this was what he's been waiting for since the day he could talk.

Ciel jumps up dropping the monkey onto the floor and runs into Madams arms hugging her tight then happily reads the letter with word printed so fine and perfect, the tone in the way his father spoke in the letter made his heart jump with joy he couldn't wait to jump into the arms of his loving parents and be with the family he's always wanted...so far he's been like an orphan and it felt unhappy, unsatisfying.

Lizzy looks down at the fallen toys then looks back up at him being so happy and smiling. She just knows Ciel is going, hes felt so lonely since he was born...it seemed that having his aunt, and Lizzy wasn't enough for him. She stands up and looks away....

Ciel....he's.... Going away...he's...leaving me...

She thought to herself quietly, she closes her eyes a tear falls, she didn't want to loose Ciel.

The happy boy runs over to the sad blonde hugging her tightly, "Lizzy! We're going to London! All day well ride until we get to my ma-"

"I'm sorry Ciel...but...I'm afraid Elizabeth has to stay behind for her mother....she's very sick and I know Elizabeth wants nothing more but to stay and love her mother until she's better"

Ciel looks down, a little upset "oh....right...I forgot...well I'm sorry Lizzy....but when she gets better tell me and I promise I'll pick you up right when you ask"

Lizzy hugs him tight "promise? Tell me you promise!.... Marry me ciel.." She gives him a kiss on the cheek and smiles...it seems as if he made that little promise it would make her so happy.

He held her tight in his arms "I can't promise I will, but I promise I'll try my best" he kisses her cheek with love, a touch so soft enough to leave her with speechless. His aunt then calls him and he rushes to her waving goodbye to Lizzy, he stepped up into the carriage and they rode off.

Lizzy looks down at the toy that was abandoned on the floor and rushed inside of the nice big mansion.

He rode with his aunt so excited and happy.

Madam did nothing but gaze at him with sad eyes but a big fake smile, she knew something was wrong...so, why didn't she speak?....

Ciel kept smiling and looking out the small window in the carriage, he couldn't wait he just couldn't he was jittering and jumping happy to get home to his parents.

Madam sighed as the day passed on and Ciel fell asleep on her lap peacefully.


Ciel wakes up rubbing his eyes and turns around as he saw his manor up in flames...the beautiful once white, sapphire blue mansion now ashes and black with fire roaring out of every window...he tears up as he ran inside hoping to find his parents alive but saw nothing but a blue ring on the floor, he picks it up and gazed at it as he was suddenly snatched aggressively. Lost in confusion he was...he cried knowing his parents died in that fire and yelped as the snatchers dragged him away from the house he needed to see his parents, he never saw their faces...they can't just end this way. He screams in fear and angry with hatred.

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