~Caught In A Web?~

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They walk to the bathing room and Sebastian helps Ciel into the tub and wash him down.... it felt very good to be cleaned.... "your study books are on your table and new sheet music for your music lesson today.... business invoices just waiting to be reviewed...and of course, a letter from the queen is awaiting your viewing....." He goes over Ciels day...."I almost forgot...your walking stick is ready to be picked up"

"Very well, we shall get that first...and I do believe a queens letter does overrule studies, which are pointless to even do...I'm going to die soon anyway...why learn something for such little time, by the time I get it done it all word have been a waste of time..." his hand gently caresses the water as it created a soft little circle, he sighed closing his eyes for a minute...then opening them again to see a a white roses with blue roses floating in the water "huh?..." he picks up the clipped white rose and looked at it, he did love the pure white roses that grew up beautiful in the garden.

"You have a reputation to maintain my lord. You need to know if the event occurs where other earls question you. We can not come across as ignorant.... your studies is equally important"

Seb smiles "master, your bathwater is getting cold.... shall we continue with your agenda?...." Seb holds up a large towel to dry him off.

He looked up at Sebastian "huh?...oh yes..." he stands up and steps out of the bath tub, he sighs.

He dries his master off and changes him.. he kneels to tie his bow around his neck "something wrong my lord? You have been lost in your thoughts all morning"

Boochan sighs and looks down "i don't know actually, I feel like there's something missing..."

"I'll double check the mansion make sure everything its in its place.. if you worried, I haven't feasted on your soul yet" he grins as he ties the eye patch on.

He chuckles and turns around as Sebastian put on the jacket "are you sure you didn't give it a nibble? Desperate for a taste..." turns and smirks at him then walks off to the studies.

"Just letting wine age..." follows ciel to his study and sets the books out for todays lesson.. the queens letter remained unopened... Seb pours some tea, "your tea, master"

He takes a sip and spit it out on him as he slammed the cup down cracking it "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" Pulls out a long string of yarn? No...its...web?... "is this a joke?!" He yells at Sebastian.

Seb checks the pot... nothing was wrong.... ciel shows him the web but... it disappeared?!... "master?.. are you feeling well?...." ciel looks at the cup, nothing was there except tea.

why was he seeing things?

He shakes his head and growled softly, he pushed away the tea "just take it...I don't want it"

"Yes master....I'll leave you to your exam...." Ciel disliked exams....Seb leaves the master to look over his exam.

'Pointless, Boring....'

He looks at the queens letter... Which first?...He shrugs and pushed away the exam and grabbed the letter as he looked to unseal it, a spider on the seal?...he shakes his head and looks closely seeing the spider seal...he growled and slammed it down "what is it with these damn spider things happening?!" He stands up and paces a little bit, then suddenly he stopped remembering.

' Crime scene?... what do you mean? I was just playing with this...' The blonde holding up that knitted spider web...

"That girl!" he looks down and tries to think.

Who was she? And why is Ciel seeing all these spider things?...is he imagining this or is the girl responsible for it?....

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