~Keep Your Friends Close, and Your Enemies Closer~

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Lizzy starts to cry, she rushes out of the home and demands her carriage to take her home.

Sebastian watches Ciel enter the music room and sit at the grand piano, "i have never seen you behave this way my lord" Ciel hasn't felt this way about anyone... but now how was he going to repair this?.

Alois removes his hair peace as he starts to laugh...Hannah sighs, she doesn't enjoy this.

Ciel doesn't say anything, he let's silence bring him the sound of her playing the piano...and the smile that came to her face whenever he accidentally gazed.

"i'll leave you to your thoughts... to be honest, I wouldn't lead the young lady on. After all, you won't be alive to actually marry anyone..." Sebastian leaves the room, sometimes Ciel needed to hear the truth.


Alois glares and slaps Hannah "Laugh you idiot!, your a demon!!! YOUR SUPPOSED TO LAUGH!" he growls at her.

Hannah sighs "miss Elizabeth is innocent.  Your game is effecting everyone.. not just Ciel..."

"Oh shut up! Why do you care? Its just another miserable soul...who cares" he crosses his arms "like I haven't been in the worst....don't you forget your place...DEMON....NOW....SHUT YOUR MOUTH, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR DISGUSTING WORDS OF PITY!" he growls and looks away angrily.

Hannah nods...somehow she was more than a demon...she tried to caresses Alois face as an apology.

He pushes her away "don't touch me you tart!"

Hannah stops as the ride home would of been more interesting with Claude

'one day' Hannah thought, 'one day...'


Ciel was starting to fall asleep on the piano...there was something about the Tracy's that...drew him in.  Even Alois was as inviting as Lady Trancy was.

What was wrong with him?! He pushed everyone away for his revenge. They will only get in the way...there's no time for friends...he can't have any friends!...his hate is all he has!...and it's all he'll ever need...

His butler comes in with dessert on a plate, "would my lord what some sweets?.... there is plenty tonight...."

He snaps out of his sleepy mood when heard Sebastian's voice, he looked at the sweets...he looked at the treats and sighed as he nodded...maybe eating these treats would help him feel better.

"are you feeling alright my lord?..."

He stands up and signals Sebastian to follow him with the tray of sweets "yes, I'm fine...no need to act like you care..." he walked out of the music room and down the hall to the studies "it isn't like you have a heart that actually beats, or anything that gives you feeling in any way, and why would you care anyway?...by this time I'd be expecting you to laugh at such a fool I've been today..." He sat in his chair and Sebastian set the sweets in front of him, he picked up a fork and started on the chocolate cake.

"I have never laughed at you my lord. Even though your actions are showing some compassion to others.  Are you losing the main focus of why you are here?.... on what your main goal is now?.... I assume you stating everything about me is a reflection on how you really feel about yourself... from what I remember, the Trancys were the enemy"

"Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer"

"How close do you want lady trancy to be? After all it seems lady elizabeth is no longer your fiancé"

He stops eating the cake, and pins the fork into it "Sebastian... Have you forgotten your place?...stay out of my damn business, your nothing but a butler...a demon...leave me alone. And take all this with you" he stands up from his chair, walking towards the door "I'll be in my room waiting to be changed, I'm tired...so hurry it up" the door closed behind Ciel and he walked off to his room leaving Sebastian alone in the studies.

Sebastian smiles...there was the Ciel he knew. Sebastian cleans up and goes to change Ciel....he kept smiling as he helped ciel out of his clothes, and into his night shirt, "Lady Trancy dropped this .. I'm sure she would want it returned..." he sets the satin glove on his bed, "sleep well my lord..." he leaves the room.

He picks it up and lies it on the dresser "how can I return it? When she asked me to never step foot in that manor again..."

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