ch:6 the unexpected angle of David!!!!

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"DAVID....! " Sopia screamed and shut her eyes...

David cupped stella's face he placed his lips on stella's perfect rosey lips...

There was a awkward silence Stella was frozen David broked the silence and just said" Im all yours Stella please no matter what happens dont forget that!" he marched his way to the stables...

"oh my god Stella you alright!?" Sopia held Stella on her shoulders.. she was shocked to see Stella like a statue...

"come with me..." Sopia orderd her...

both the girls headed to sopias suite...

"my lady Im fine just a bit shocked...could i just take some rest.. I will be back in a while... " Stella was still trembling... shivering.. amazed.

"sure you may leave Stella..." Sopia assured her..

Just then Sopia notices a gift wraped box on her bed... underneath it was an envelope..

whats this... looks like my birthday present!!..

hold it there's a card...

"Dear princess Sopia,

          This gift comes with some conditions... you may open it. ..there is another card inside make sure you read it..


                                        Granz <3"

"awwwww Granz you should'nt have..." Sopia was curious to unwrap it..

"holy Molly.... its a cellphone...the iphone 5.."

wheres the card her mind started thinking...

ah there it is...

"Sopia this phone is for you to call me daily Im worried about yout darling please do make sure you call me everyday and keep me may now check out the envelope..."

"oh Yaa I almost forgot.." Sopia cut open the envelope to see 2 first class air tickets to Newyork....

wait a minute...whats this...!?

she saw some other card in it..

"Sopia here are the tickets to you and Stella to Newyork. Edward shall be there to receive you two girls at the airport will be learning business management at our hotel at Newyork...Edward will be  incharge for all this... Edward is the only one who knows who you are... keep in mind you are not the princess of westernhills there... your just a students who's on training.

enjoy your stay honey... keep calling me everyday..

                    I will miss you darling."

N..NEWYORK. ...!? is it... Newyork..?

isnt it where......

-------------------- to be continued!


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