Part 1

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Woah, all I was doing was going outside. Yeah I knew it was dangerous but I thought I would be okay. I got struck by lightning, and of course no one was home. My sister and I are orphans and the land is cursed by my biological family with infinite lighting strikes. Oh right, I'm Amos I'm 11 and my sister Josie is 6. We live in New Orleans. Does that clear everything up? Okay cool. So back to real life. I was struck, I thought I'd be okay, I just went to sleep that night. I woke up and I couldn't move a thing. I looked on my arm and saw a map that looked to be burned into my skin.

I looked closely at it and I understood that it was my city. New Orleans, Louisiana. That is weird. I looked around and noticed my home it was on the map. I went to see Josie and I saw that the same map was on her skin too. But she didn't get struck. Did she? No, she was inside and never even looked outside. Maybe our biological family would have it too. I don't think so though that sounds stupid. As I was with Josie I told her what had happened. She said that's not what I saw. I saw you messing around with our dog.


We don't have a dog" I said looking confused.

"yes we do. He's up here" she said pointing to her head.

"I... I don't think you're okay.

"Oh, I'm fine." She said to me .

We have to go on a "journey" to find what's at the end of this.

" okay but can spencer come too?" Josie asked.

"Now who's spencer?" I said looked really confused.

"he's our turtle duh." She said looking like I was crazy. (I wasn't)

"okay but don't bring anyone else."

"Fine" she said.

"We have to go."

We started walking while it started to rain. A lot. We didn't think much of it it was just some rain. We were fine. Now we passed our first destination. The woods. Man, it was scary in there.

Our second destination was the ol' country roads. We had to find a small red tractor. (I don't know why but that's what the prophecy said) we looked high and low. Where the heck was it?

I heard a little voice calling for me.

"Amos! Where are you?!"

"Okay okay I'm coming. What do you possibly need?"

"I found it!"

No you didn't. You're pointing at nothing.

"You have to imagine it."

Not that again.

The third day we had to go back to where I got struck. The orphanage. I hated that place. Before you could say needle in a haystack, Josie was running away. I had to follow her, I didn't want to with her overactive imagination. Next thing I new she looked on her map on her arm and saw a blue blanket. Why would we need that? Was it ours from a baby? Like the tractor? I need answers. I could live without them though. Right?

Our fourth and final destination was our home. Where our parents never came back. That brings back bad memories, I knew we had to go but even Josie was hesitant about leaving. Yeah, I knew they were not there (I hope) but I didn't want all the emotional things that they have said to us. I naturally knew where I was going, since I was there for five years.

We ran there just because we wanted to get it over with. We peered around the corner of the house... this is never good. We saw two unlike objects. Were they people? Yeah, they looked that way. I thought were they my parents! No. Please, no. We tried to run. They had us in their hands, their cold hands we've not touched since we were like 4. There was no escaping now. Their limbless bodies fell the the floor like fireworks drying out. We tried to run or at least we thought we were. Maybe they didn't fall. Maybe we did. We woke up to what looks like a room of steel. 

" looks to me like a hospital" Josie said.

"I guess so" I agreed. 

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