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I hear footsteps coming down the hallway.
"Omg are you okay?" a girl says in a worried tone.

I peek through my sweater and see Lauren Orlando, the youngest of the Orlando siblings, also known as Johnnys younger sister. She's pretty popular, Kelsea wanted Lauren to be in her group but Lauren rejected her. I don't know why though, any girl would kill to be Kelsea's friend.

Lauren had blonde hair and hazel green eyes, along with a perfect smile similar to Johnnys. Lauren was literally a Johnny but in Girl version, although her personality was completely different. I just keep crying hoping Lauren would go away. But she didn't.

"Did Kelsea's group do something? I saw them laughing while coming from the direction of your locker," Lauren said while placing her hand on my shoulder.

I nod my head. Suddenly she hugs me.

"I know there all idiots," Lauren said while hugging me.

"Why are you helping me?" I croak out with my face still covered.

"Because I know what jerks they are and I'm not gonna let them hurt an innocent person," Lauren replied. "Tell you what let's be friends!".

Lauren holds up her hand. I don't take it though.

"What's wrong?" lauren Asked.

"The last time I got a best friend she ruined my life," I said.

"Me too," Lauren replied.

"Wait what but your so popular!" I say in shock, my eyes practically bulging out of my skull.

"I guess my friends wanted to be more popular," Lauren sighed while picking at her shoelaces.

I keep my head down and don't say anything more. It was silence until Lauren chirped up once more.

"I think we have the same class, English right?" She asked.
I nod.

"But we're late," I quietly mumble but just enough for Lauren to hear.

"It's okay," Lauren smiled. "Come on!".
She pulled me up and we walked to English having small talk. As we entered the class mr. Jameson glared at me specifically.

"Mrs Ziegler and Mrs Orlando your late," said mr Jameson. "This is the 7th time in a row Mackenzie! detention! And what is your stupid excuse this time?!" mr Jameson spat out angrily.

The class snickered at me, why why why does this happen to me? God what did I do wrong?!

Tears started to fill my eyes, I was so embarrassed and the teacher hates me, and I have detention! I have to come up with a excuse fast, or I'm screwed. I can't just tell him "oh I was crying by the lockers cause I just got beat up".

Although that might actually work. But I'd rather not say that or Kelsea and her gang will probably murder me after class, literally.

"Actually mr Jameson, Mackenzie over here had been badly injured today and I had to help her get to class," lauren said giving Johnny a glare who was at the back of the class.

Mr Jameson's angry look went to sympathetic.

"Oh I'm so sorry Mrs Ziegler please take a seat, no detention, and thank you Lauren for helping her out," mr Jameson said nicely.

We both smiled and took a seat. The rest of the day went on, I was able to avoid the popular kids and then came lunch time. I walked into the lunch room and spot Johnny. Kelsea notices and immediately kisses Johnny and gives me an evil smirk. I roll my eyes and ignore her.

I see Lauren waving at me, I walk over with my face still covered.

"Don't take this to offence but why do you always cover your face?" Lauren Asked stuffing her sandwich into her face.

"I don't like to show it," I say sitting down.

"Well all that aside how was your day? Did the popular kids bother you? If they did I'll give Johnny a piece of my mind," Lauren said while showing my she was ready to beat someone up, but in a funny way.

"No," I giggle. "Woah!".

"What?" lauren asks.

"That's the first time I've laughed in 5 years," I say smiling, Although no one could see my smile since my face was covered, it still felt good.

"And it'll be the last for the next 5 years," said Kelsea dumping a bunch of yogurt on my shirt. Goddammit screw this pink yogurt.

Everyone laughed. Lauren slammed her palms on the metal bench and stood up looking mad.

"What is your problem Kelsea!" Lauren screeched.

"Why are you even hanging out with this loser!" Kelsea snickered.

"At least she doesn't have to be a snobby make up addicted freak like you!" Lauren screamed in her face.

Kelsea was fuming. She probably wanted to slap Lauren so bad but shes her boyfriend sister, so of coarse she couldn't do that. Johnny would most likely take Lauren's side if it was between Lauren and Kelsea.

"Johnny control your girlfriend," Lauren screeched once more.

"Lauren don't be rude!"Johnny Says.

"Says the person who let his girlfriend dump yogurt on a girls shirt," Lauren said.

"Whatever," Johnny said rolling his eyes.

They walked away.

"Thanks," I say.

"Wanna come to my house after school?" Lauren Asked while wiping the yogurt off my shirt.

"Sure," I said.

But then I realized Johnny would be there. I was about to say no but Lauren was already gone.


𝐅𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬(𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐢𝐞)✔Where stories live. Discover now