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"Hey Kenzie can you walk home with Johnny today?" lauren grinned.

"But why?" I asked in confusion.

Johnny was a time really weird at the lunch table today, he seemed really off.

"He wants to talk to you," Lauren smiled.

I gulp. Is he going to hurt me? Is he mad at me for something.

"Don't worry he won't do anything to you," Lauren smiled once more. "Oh look and there he is go walk with him,".
She pushed me towards Johnny and left.

"Um h-hi." I mutter.

"Kenzie we need to talk," he says.
He looks serious, like he looked dead serious and it was kinda scary.

"Um o-okay," I say.

"So to start this off...I don't think you should go to the party with Kelsea tonight," he mutters.

"Why?" I ask.

"Well it's just that....you know..." his voice trails.

"You think I don't belong there? You think I'm not popular enough to be there?" I say.

"No it's just that I think Kelsea might do something bad to you, I mean she invited you to a party," he says.

I feel a little hurt, is it really that unbelievable that a popular person would invite me to a party? Am I really that ugly?

"Oh so it's so unbelievable that a popular person would invite me to a party? Is that what your saying?!" I say.
I run away to my house not looking back.

Johnnys pov
What I said sounded way better in my head. But Kenzie doesn't understand...she doesn't know what she's getting herself into. I know Kelsea is going to do something horrible to her at the party.

And if I don't help her, it's jail time for me. You see...about a few months ago Kelsea caught me vandalizing a wall and took a picture. You wouldn't think it'd be that bad, but it was in a very public place.

And it wasn't really a very appropriate picture for the whole town to see. So whoever drew that is screwed by the police. So I have to help Kelsea. And all I could do was try to convince Kenzie not to go.

Kenzie's Pov
Lauren came over as soon as I texted her what Johnny said. She gave Johnny a piece of her mind and then came over here. Honestly what Johnny said makes me want to go to the party even more. To show him that I can do whatever I want.

"I think that black dress is nice," Lauren said picking it off the hanger.

"Nah to formal," Maddie chirped up.

Me and Maddie caught up on everything. She apologized to me a million times today. And honestly I'm just glad to be sisters again.

"Ooh how bout this red one?" Maddie handed the dress to me.

"Reds not really my colour," I say.

We were currently looking through Maddie's closet for a dress for me to wear. And it was really hard finding the right one.

"Wait how about this one?" Maddie's eyes twinkled as she showed me the dress.

The dress was beautiful. I immediately tried it on.

                       At the partyAs I walked in I immediately got a bad vibe

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                       At the party
As I walked in I immediately got a bad vibe. I felt like I didn't belong here, like Johnny said....

But I'm going to prove him wrong. Lauren wanders off to Hayden, her Crush! And I'm left alone. As I walk further in the party I spot Kelsea. She immediately waved to me and motions me over.

"So glad you could make it Kenz!" Kelsea said all to sweetly.

"Um ya," I awkwardly mutter.

I look at her group, most of the girls have evil smirks. But Annie, Nadia, and Emily looking really nervous and sad. When they see me looking at them they smile.

"So Kenzie how's it going?" Annie the youngest of the group smiled.

"Um okay I guess," I mutter.

"Well just wanted to say that your dress is stunning," Nadia chirped up while taking a sip of water.

"Oh scratch that you're stunning Kenzie!" Emily gushed.

"Aww thank you," I smile.

Lauren walks over.

"What are you guys doing?" Lauren asked angrily folding her arms.

"Just talking," Nadia said quietly.

"Just talking or stealing my friend?" Lauren spits out.

"Lauren we're really so-," Annie was cut off.

"Sorry doesn't cut it! You left your best friend for a person you bearly knew!" Lauren said.

Lauren stormed off. I watched her until she was out of sight, Kelsea broke my daze.

"Kenzie can I talk to you?" Kelsea Asked batting her eyelashes.

"Okay," I mutter.

She pulls me into a room and locks the door.

𝐅𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬(𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐢𝐞)✔Where stories live. Discover now