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Hazel's POV

The boys and I finally arrived to our destination: Gherkin and Tower 42. The sun reflected off the clear glass, nearly blinding us as we made our way out of the taxi. I reached into my deep pockets and pulled out my red sunglasses with a smile.

"This is a public safety hazard." I state randomly, noting its enormity and quite preposterous design.

"How so?" Sherlock questions, stepping up to my left as John took my right. They probably looked like my back up bitches or something (and I'm okay with that).

"Oh please," I scoffed. "Its massive size and blinding exterior can cause a number of pedestrians to stop and stare at it. Even drivers would gawk at it, causing a number of accidents. And with the sun reflecting off of the walls, drivers can get blinded by it and crash into anything or anyone. In my opinion, this bank was a waste of money. Oh, and don't get me started on their head of security!"

"Never knew she hated a building so much." John muttered.

"No, just the person in charge of it. He's a total dickwad." I explained.

"Hazel!" My brother hissed.

"What? He is!" I whined.

After my mini rant, the three of us made it to the front doors of the supposed bank. Inside was just as boring. Pristine white colored the walls, creating a blinding effect on the inside as well. The floors were also this horrendous color, but tainted by the everyday filth people brought in with their shoes. Employees and customers lined the front desk, causing a somewhat alarming traffic jam.

The boys started to head toward the front desk, when I called our for them.

"And why are you wasting your time going over there? We have a case to solve, yes?"

Shoving my hands in my pocket, I found my old badge luckily still tucked away. Of course I've moved up, but it still granted me access to wherever I needed. After I showed them my badge, I turn on my heel and walked to the escalator, where I saw Henry, the head of security.

"Wonderful." I mutter sarcastically. As I walked up to the idoit, I flashed him a fake smile and put my hands in my coat pockets.

"Henry. Still doing nothing, are we?" I ask, poking fun at him.

"Ah, Hazel," he began, returning the fake smile "still a bitch, are we?"

"What can I say? I can't help it." I reply shrugging my shoulders.

Glancing over my left shoulder, I see the boys walking up behind me. As I turned to face Henry again, I brought out my badge, showing my purpose for being here.

"Listen Henry. All jokes aside, me and these two boys," I start, gesturing to John and Sherlock with my head, "have a case that requires us to talk to Sebastian. So, if you'll excuse us, we're in a bit of a hurry."

As I tried to move forward, Henry placed his hand out to stop me.

"I'm sorry Hazel, but you can't go through. They can, but not you." He smirked.

"What?" I asked stupidly.

"You can't go through. The boss said you couldn't after last time."

I crossed my arms, confused as to what he was referring to. The last time I was here was for another mission. But that was years ago.

Then it clicked.

"Your boss never said that, you did." I stated, giving Henry a smirk of my own.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sherlock steal a quick glance from John before returning his attention to me. I could hear John readjust his stance into a defensive one, prepared to step in should things go south.

"You're just being petty because managed to slip past your pathetic excuse of security. Even now, after almost eleven years, you still hold resentment. Well let me tell you something, Henry Wallace." Leaning close to his right ear, I dropped my voice down to a hushed, yet ominous whisper.

"The next time someone threatens the life of your boss, your friends, employees, family, or even you by blowing up this building, I won't be there to save you. I won't take the case to save your miserable, boring life because you refused to let me through." I threatened, hissing the last words.

"Mycroft wouldn't let you do that." He whispered fearfully.

"Try me." I hissed, my blood red lips almost touching Henry's ear.

Taking a step back, I watched the fear flood his dark brown eyes, causing me to give a mischievous smirk.

"Now," I start, flashing Henry an innocent smile, "may my companions and I go through? We've got an important meeting to get to, and I should hate to be late."

With a hesitant nod, Henry stepped out our way, granting us passage. With a quick thanks, the three of us hopped onto the escalator. Only about halfway up, a shout causes me to look down to see a red faced Henry.

"You're a bloody psychopath, Watson!"

I gave a low chuckle as I shook my head, turning to face forward.

"You have no idea!" I declare over my shoulder, getting the last word.

The sound of outside conversation filled the awkwardness and slight tension between the three of us. As we reached the height of the escalator, I took a quick peek at my brother, trying to move out of the way. As I took note of his puzzled expression, I stopped walking and released a sigh. Turning on my heel, I faced John and gave a small smile.

"I suppose you have questions." I state.

"Um, well," he began nervously. "Just a few."

At first, I was slightly confused as to why he nervous, then it dawned on me. He doesn't actually know what I do for a living. Hell, he doesn't even know where I've been for the past eight years. Even Sherlock looked slightly confused. Nobody would know he was, but I could tell. I always know.

"I'll explain to both of you once this case is over, yeah?" I bargain, recieving a small smile and a nod from John.

"Alrighty then," I exclaimed, clasping my hands together. "Let's have some fun."

With that, I returned to our original course and walked to the head of the trading department's office with a purpose. As we made our way through the cubicles, I saw the name I needed.

Sebastian Wilkes
Director of the Trading Floor

Oh great, another idot.

1076 words!

That's right my stars, I'm alive!!

So sorry for the long wait for an update, shit just keeps popping up uninvited.

Well, I dont really have much to say to you guys except thank you for the votes and the comments! That means a lot to me!

Please keep doing so, I do read them and respond.

Alright, I have to go now!

Wish me luck on my AP exams!

And stay bright my stars,

Queen of the Night

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