Chapter 8

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Sasuke laid her down gently on the cave floor, putting a blanket over her and starting a fire. He thought back to the first day they traveled, remembering what she had said.

"Say that I use a large part of my soul up. Then the glow of my eyes would dim down to a gray and I'd be in a unconscious like state while my body regenerates the soul I lost. Depending on how much I gave out, is how long I would stay like that. I wouldn't come to until my eyes were glowing brightly again. That's to say if their is anymore purple left. If my eyes turn completely gray, that means I lost my entire soul and I die, but as long as there is at least a speck of purple, there's still a chance.

He looked into her eyes, relieved to see they had regained some of their glow. It wasn't much, but it let Sasuke know she was going to be okay. He stared at her for a moment, realizing that the only thing that told him she was still alive, was the slight rise and fall of her chest. He didn't know how long she would be out, but he hoped she would regain consciousness soon.

He sighed, thinking about what he was going to do next. Can he forget about his revenge? Help the leaf village? No, not yet at least. There are still some things he needs to know before he helps the leaf.

He looked back at Natsumi. One things for sure, he wasn't going to hand her over to Madara any time soon.


"Tamara! Look what I found!" Natsumi ran over to the other small girl, a baby snake in her hands. The brown haired girl squealed and jumped away.

"EW! GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!" Tamara yelled, making Natsumi giggle.

"Don't worry Tammy, if you hold it right, it can't bite you!" Tamara just shook her head.

"You shouldn't play with dangerous animals young Tamashi." Both of the small girls eyes widened as Natsumi turned around.

A man was standing there, his blond hair falling into his amber eyes. He was just a civilian, not a ninja, but that doesn't mean he didn't work for someone very dangerous.

Natsumi quickly turned around, running into Tamara and wrapping her arms around her.

"Stay away from us!" A small barrier formed around the two  girls, but it was very dim. It wouldn't last long. Natsumi didn't have a good hold on her powers yet so it was a really weak barrier.

The man just laughed as the barrier began to flicker.

"You can't even hold it for that long!" Natsumi's eyes filled with fear. She pushed Tamara away.

"Go! Get Auntie Ayame! Hurry!" The man grabbed Natsumi's small wrist, pulling her away.

"No! Natsu! I won't let you take her!" The man groaned, pulling out a kunai. He threw it at Tamara, barley missing. Instead, he cut her cheek. The man 'tchd' at his bad aim before pulling out another kunai, concentrating this time. Natsumi's eyes widened momentarily with shock, before anger replaced it. She clenched her teeth.

"I won't let you hurt Tammy!" The man was shocked with her out burst but had no time to react as Natsumi was surrounded by a blinding light.

The light burned the man as he let out a loud pain filled scream. It was Natsumi's soul.

When the man finally let go of Natsumi, she ran away from him, releasing him from the painful power of her soul. Still surrounded by the bright light, she ran and hugged Tamara again, but instead of bringing the other girl pain, the cut on her cheek instantly disappeared, leaving smooth tan skin. The glow around Natsumi disappeared as the two girls faced the man, who was unconscious on the ground. His skin was covered in terrible burns, his head bald. Natsumi flinched at the sight, instantly feeling bad. She hadn't meant to hurt him, but when she saw that Tamara was in danger, she instantly reacted.

She didn't want to lose anyone else who was close to her.

She grabbed Tamara's hand and tugged her away.

"We have to find auntie Ayame so she can erase his memories about this place." Tamara only nodded, following Natsumi away.

Sasuke woke up, the ceiling of the cave being what he saw. He sat up, thinking about the dream.

It wasn't the first time he had a dream about one of Natsumi's memories. In fact, in the week that had passed, every time he slept he would see another one of her memories. Some of her getting close with her new family, some fighting off people who tried to capture her, and some of her training to control her powers.

She had become so happy, but he could see the pain that was well hidden behind her eyes. Still, she had finally found somewhere to belong, and he took that away from her.

He looked at Natsumi's unconscious form her eyes glowing brightly now. It was a matter of time before she finally woke up, but what would happen? Since he decided to help her, will he take her back to the farm?

At that thought, a sharp feeling stabbed his chest. He didn't want to let her go. As selfish as it was, he wanted her to stay with him. He had grown accustomed to her bright and cheery presence, but now it was more than that. He didn't know what it was, but it was more that just wanting her to be around him. He couldn't explain it, for he can't explain something even he is confused about.

But he had to. Bringing her near Madara was too dangerous and it would hurt a lot more if she died, especially knowing it was his fault. If he took her to the farm, she could be happy.

He's decided.

He'll take her back to the farm.

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