Chapter 5: The Man With His Face!

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[Day 255]

Hana is shown smiling as she sat beside a spiky blonde haired boy with blue eyes. The two of them were waiting for their other friends to show up.

"You're early." A voice says and the two look over. Hana smiles up at their friend. He had spiky red hair and green eyes. On his face was that of upside down teardrops.

"No, you're just late." The boy beside Hana says.

"Hey, Hana, I'm not surprised to see you here." The guy says as he sits between Hana and the boy.

"Hey, I'm always here, remember?" Hana asks as she giggles.

"Today makes 255." The boy says.

"What's that about?" The guy asks.

"It's been that man days since I first joined the Organization." The boy says.

"Oh, yeah, the mysterious... organization you boys work for." Hana says as she nudges the guys and the three laugh.

"Man, time flies." The boy says.

"So, you got the number memorized, do you?" The guy says.

"Yeah. Have to hang onto something, right?" The boy asks, "It's not like I have memories from before the Organization. Don't you remember? I acted like a zombie."

"You didn't really smile very much because then." Hana says.

"He's right. That first week you could barely form a sentence." The guy says and hits the younger boy's back, "But come on, you're still kind of a zombie!"

"Oh, thanks!" The boy says.

"Come on, Axel; don't push him off the clock tower." Hana says.

"Alright, alright." Axel replies and he smiles at Hana, "Hey, Roxas? Bet you don't know why the sun sets red." Hana looks out at the sunset with Roxas and Axel.

"You see, light is made up of lots of colors. Like Hana's hair. And out of all those colors, red is the one that travels the farthest." Axel says.

"My hair is only a few different colors." Hana says as she twirls the orange tips of her hair around her right index finger. Axel looks at her and he smiles at her.

"Like I asked! Know-it-all!" Roxas says. The three end up laughing. The group sits together for a while and Hana lays back onto her back beside Axel and ends up laying on his arm as his head rested on his hands. He looks at Hana and smiles. After a while she ends up falling asleep from being comfortable and Axel just lets her.

"She looks comfortable." Roxas says.

"Yeah, well, unlike her, she's a real person." Axel says.

"How was it that you knew her name right away back then?" Roxas asks.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. It was like... It came to me because of the flower she wears in her hair." Axel says.

"It's is a very pretty flower." Roxas says.

"Mhm..." Hana says as she ends up rolling over off Axel's arm and he looks over at her with a smile.

"Let's not bother her. I'm sure she's exhausted from her own job." Axel says.

"Right." Roxas says and they get quiet for a while. Roxas looks over towards the way Axel came when he got there.

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