Chapter 5

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Jax's POV

I have just gotten back to Remnant after being on the Militia frigate. It is nice to see green grass and blues skies, with no war happening around me. It is nice to enjoy a little silence and peace. I stand the top of a hill and look around.

Jax: Wouldn't it be nice if you were here Grandpa. I could tell you about how I have finally found a place where we could be at peace

As i say that I feel the ground shake. I turn around to see Scraper standing there. I turn back around and spread my arms out.

Jax: This, Scraper, is what we are fighting for. Peace. We are fighting to make sure the children of tomorrow are rowing up in a place not filled with violence. Scraper, I want to go to the other major kingdom, Atlas. See what they are like.

Scraper: Actually General Ironwood is here. He is at Beacon. Waiting for your arrival.

I nod and look on for a moment more.

Jax: Scraper, I want you to throw me at Ozpin's room. Fastball maneuver.

He puts the cannon on his back and squats. He sticks out his hand. I jump into his hand. He calculates the proper positioning. Once he completes his calculations he winds up and throws me. As I approach I phase through the glass and land infront of the General

Ozpin:...and this is Synth. A pilot of a Legion Class Titan.

Jax; Thank you professor for completing the entrance. I am Jax Ozark. I am a Pilot in the mercenary group The Apex Predators. How can i help you?

Gen. Ironwood: I want to send my scientists to study-

Jax: No. Answer me this, could you take over the four kingdoms?

Ironwood: If we tried, Yes.

Jax: Do you believe that Atlas is the most Technologically savvy?

Ironwood: Yes we are the best with Tech.

Jax: Then stay the hell away from me and The Militia. Do you understand General?

Ironwood: Do you have any idea who I am? I could have you arrested right now for disre-


I shot Ironwood in the arm with my modified wingman. Aura piercing rounds.

Jax: Listen here Ironwood.

The lights shut off. My lights change from Green to a Blood Red.

Jax: I am not affraid of you. You are turning into the IMC. You are becoming worse than SALEM! You will leav this room so i can talk with Ozpin and Winter. Otherwise, we are done here. Private Ironwood.

He nods very fast. He leaves the room while glaring daggers at me. After the elevator closes, the lights come on and my lights change to Green.

Jax: Sorry about that Oz, I hate being disrespected by someone of a lower rank.

Winter: What rank are you then? If I may ask sir.

Jax: I am a General of a fleet if I wanted, but I like the simple life of a Pilot. So i told the Militia to redact my rank so no-one ever knew my true rank. Ms. Schnee, I have been told good things about you from your sister. Would you like to become a Pilot?

Ozpin looks at me in shock. He has sent hundreds of students to me trying to get them to be a pilot. None where worthy, but Winter. She intrigues me. Trying to bring good to her family name.

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