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Ricardo is already in the car. Electra and I rush toward it. I stumble slightly as I reach the back door- running in heels isn’t exactly ideal. I am the last to get in. I topple across the backseat as Electra snaps the car into gear.

 “A brilliant show if I don’t say so myself.” He says as he straightens his tie. He manages to stay perfectly upright, despite the fact Electra drives like a maniac. She laughs hysterically as she swerves around a corner. My head hits the window with a loud crack. She laughs harder.

 “It was beautifully dark Ricardo, one of your finest.” She replies with a not-so composed smirk.

 “Yeah.” I agree in a small voice. My head is thumping, aching. But the two of them keep laughing. And I do too. But I’m not sure if I mean it. Ricardo just killed a man. Electra killed at least six. I was there. I saw it. And I did nothing.

 If the one that kills is the murderer, is the one that watches a monster?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2014 ⏰

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