The Haunting Of Berry Pomeroy Castle

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It was a misty and dreary night in November 2004 at The Berry Pomeroy Castle when three unexpected visitors had arrived. The decrepit grounds have been known for its ghost sightings, paranormal activities and deaths of innocent victims for many years now. Most people are too scared to venture any further than a foot into this haunted area after researching its history.

It was almost ten o'clock at night. The night was dark and thick clouds covered the sky, as if hiding it's sins from judgement. The moonlight seeped through small gaps in order to protect those who still choose to enter; to give them the light they needed so they can make their way peacefully. This struggle was futile as the clouds only got angrier and larger the closer three young adults started to get to the castle gates. Suddenly, lightening struck the ground, leaving a deathly echo following right behind.

The earth shook. It knew.

She knew.

Rain aggressively poured down hitting the bare face of each person. Rowan, the 'leader', strolled just in front of the two girls in a different direction, as their pace slowed in order to observe and examine their surroundings. Keres gestured for Melinoe to look further on, into what seemed as a void-like-darkness. She did as she was told and stopped dead in her tracks. Melinoe could see two glowing figures floating just above the castle drawbridge. One was tall and humanoid, the other figure, however, looked as if it would easily rip them to pieces and eat the flesh remains without a second thought. The females took into attempt to brush off what they witnessed and force it to the back of their mind. Cautiously as possible, they advance towards the castle even more. Rowan walked back towards the girls, causing them to stop once more, and asked them if they had heard whines of some sort of animal? As if it were struggling it's way out of dying. Or the thuds of someone jumping from a great height, resulting in death, or even worse... Both forced out a stuttered word, "n-n-no!", causing them to be even more frightened than they had already been previously.

The ghostly creatures faded away as they walked closer towards them. A dog-like ghost snarled and barked dominantly before dissipating and made Keres question if she really wanted to continue with this now 'stupid' adventure. Melinoe and Rowan were able convince her to stay and try it out. Even just for a bit.

They'd regret thinking that.

As they all ventured further into the castle, a decision had been made and that was that they would split up for the time being. Keres went with Melinoe whilst Rowan ventured by himself to find out how to get to the tallest tower in the castle. Melinoe decided to go into the dungeons and Keres followed behind, cautious, and worried about what might happen if they weren't so wary.

The dungeon was sticky and wet, with moss growing in the crevices of the walls. Not a single flicker of light was nearby and this shook both girls, unnerving them to no end. It got darker and darker, scarier and scarier, the further down they went. It became cold and silent. Not a single noise could be heard apart from the echo of water droplets falling to the frozen floor and shaky footsteps becoming slower and slower. The moons' light couldn't be seen now and the stairs were becoming narrower. As Melinoe creeped down the stair case, she felt a shiver trickle down her spine as she got a sudden sense of evil and malevolence. She saw something ghostly and an almost white colour run through her body as fast as lightning. Keres asked her if she was okay, noticing something happened and she snapped at her viciously, from out of nowhere. For the next few moments, Melinoe started to act rather peculiar and much more aggressive than usual. Her skin was frigid and occasionally twitched at Keres' gentle touch. Her movements were spirit-like; as if she were trying to float or at least move much more elegantly off the ground. After a few strange moments, she did something even more curious. Melinoe ran off into the distance to the point where Keres couldn't see her at all. She waited but Melinoe decided to stay there. Keres called her name but all she got in reply was a loud screeching sound that could have deafened her. Like a banshee. She took that as her queue to run back to the top of the stairs without looking back on her supposedly possessed friend. She went to go and find Rowan.

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