•Chapter 1•

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~Reader POV~
You sat up in your bed and looked around at your bedroom for a little while, your eyes felt tired so you waited for it to happen trying to fight it.

Your eyes close and you went to sleep.

You felt your self stand up in a dream it was exactly like your room it was almost like you were actually there. You walked forward into a glowing white room it turns into a family living room.

You appear to be in someone's memory.

It was a birthday party there was a small girl wearing a birthday hat and smiling with her parents you walk around the room there were photos every where of them.

They were sitting at a dining table with a giant birthday cake in front of the little girl.

The little girl left the room and her parents started fighting.

The mom looked at the dad with darkened eyes "You're a bad father".

The dad looked back at her "At least I care about her, unlike you".

The mom started hitting and punching the dad, just then the little girl walked in a the parents were still fighting, the little girl eyes filled with tears she ran up to her parents and was begging them to stop just then it faded away.

You woke up you look outside your window you see a teenage girl with her friends sitting on a bench.

You walked into her memory, how sad.

At least You got a little sleep, You felt very disoriented 8 minutes of sleep that should be enough  .

You had a quirk unlike most, your mom had a water type quirk and your dad had telekinesis after not having a quirk at the normal age like your mother and father, You were deemed quirkless.

After the age of 5 you realize your quirk was unusual You were able to get inside people's heads. Everytime you went to sleep you would see the closest person to you, their worst memory.

You started getting ready you had a to go shopping. You needed more coffee and energy drinks to stay awake for as long as possible.

Some people's worst memories were not that bad. Some you could never forget them. Every memory they were all so real.

There was a 24 hour convenience store around here it should be open. The clock read 2:00 in the morning you walked out your door locked it and left your house and started walking towards the store.

A mysterious figure in a ally way started walking toward you.

A man leaped towards you pining your hands to the ground. You screamed as he put a knife to your neck. You didn't make another sound and went into complete shock.

"You could be useful to our group" the man said.

He picked up and wrapped you in his cold hands.

He took you in a portal your eyes started closing and then another memory appeared.

A little boy with light blue hair smiled went to go grab his dads hand and his body disintegrated. He went to go hug his mom she fell to the ground as ashes the boy was left alone crying he was alone.

After he lived on the street as a new orphan no one came for him then it faded away the story seemed familiar to you.

You woke up in a chair with your hands tied behind your back.

You started screaming at the top of your lungs.

You look around and start yelling "Let me out!!! Where am I?!?!?"

A young man with light blue hair and a hand on his face walked up to you.

He put his hands in-front of him and was walking towards you "Hey, hey it's okay calm down".

You had a fearful look "Where am I and who are you!?!"

"I'm Shigaraki and you're in the league of villains hideout" he responded.

Who is he and what does he want from you

"Why do you need me?"

He looked at you and tilted his head "Your quirk, I'm sure you can prove useful"

"How do you know about my quirk?" You said.

He looked surprised "Don't you remember me?"

"No, I would remember someone like you" you stated.

"Let me refresh your memory, at little rock bottom road lived a little boy who lived behind an ally way next your house. You would come out to play with him when your parents hurt you we would tell each other everything. Sometimes the little boy would want to see his parents so you would send him into the dreams of the past. You told him of your quirk and the problems it would cause you. Did that help?"

You said with small with small tears in your eyes "Ten?" (Short for Shigaraki real name)

It brought a smile to your face you missed him he is the only person you talked about your quirk to you really never told anyone else not even your parents fearing they would take advantage of you.

"Let me get this of of you we don't need it anymore." he said taking of the ropes off around your hands

You hugged him, he was making sure not to touch you with his hands.

"What do you need me for Tomura?" You said pulling back from the tight hug.

"We planing on killing All-Might" he said.

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