2 - A Mansion Full of White Roses

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Chapter 2: A Mansion Full of White Roses

"My lady, your tea is ready."

A girl in her 18 sat down on a chair as the maid prepared her some sweets and tea. She eats and drank the tea leisurely while looking at the white roses in her front yard garden.

A smile immediately blooms into her beautiful countenance.

'That is enough for one year. Enough to make my life longer.'

She sips her tea and thought about what happened 15 days ago. She was an escapee together with her one maid and butler. They were an escapee that came from another world. Yes, you read it right. They came from another world.

The world they live in now was pretty... ancient. And after 5 days of investigating and grasping their situation, she began her move.

Although they were just here for 15 days, she already learns how people live here.

They used martial arts to shows strength, and cultivation to show how powerful they were.

It was pretty interesting so far. But what she doesn't like is how people bully the weak. Destroying the weak's self-esteemed.

She was a fair person.

She never bullied anyone, if...they never bullied her first.

"Miss Wei." A man with short black hair enters the yard. The wind blew hard enough to make the petals fly and shower him. It was a picturesque sight to be held and she wanted to paint that scene that was imprinted in her mind for a moment.

"How's the observation?" she asked.

"This place is quite good, my lady. After you finished your tea I will show the martial arts that I've seen in one of the biggest households in the city. But... " The butler paused looking at his lady with a complicated expression.

"But what? Say it." Li Wei admits that she was a bit clueless but she will never admit it to her butler. She has her own pride.

"But these moves would be useless if you can't cultivate. This world is after all a cultivators world. The level of their strength is determined in the level of their cultivation." He directly said to her.

"What?!" She quickly stands up on her seat. Her cold face radiating an aura of death. She drew closer at the black haired man while speaking.

"Do you know how to cultivate on this world?"

"My lady, it is very simple. According to what I heard, you just have to enter a meditative state and feel the circulation of Qi around you. You have to absorb the Qi to enter your body."

"If this doesn't work, I will be a good-for-nothing in this world."

Surrounded by white roses. She immediately sits cross-legged and began to feel the Qi around her, absorbing it.

The butler just stands there, watching his miss intently. If he feels there is something wrong he will immediately stop what she's doing.

His miss knows how to fight, after all, she was taught by her stepmother. She was trained to kill but that woman didn't even intend to teach her magic. In their world, she was feared. The young lady obeys every word her mother says. She was like a puppet who only knows how to kill. In reality, she knows nothing outside, only her mission that has to be succeeded. She was also a prisoner in her own kingdom.

In the end, after disobeying and failing her mission.

She was put to a curse by her stepmother.

The maid and the butler help her to escape that big cage. After running for days, weeks and months. They stumbled upon a black hole, a dark passage they had enter. Just like that, they enter this world.

A faint golden light emitted from the young woman's body. The butler didn't feel something wrong so he just stood at the side watching, and waiting for her.

Li Wei opens her eyes the instant when the light emitted by her disappear. Her cold face cracks as she looked at the butler with excitement.

"This world...this world..." In her excitement, Li Wei's eyes turn red and her hair turns white giving the butler a scare.

"Miss Wei! Miss Wei! Calm Down!"


The white roses around them were cut in half. The butler stop moving. At that time, he was almost cut in two. If he didn't stop, maybe he would be the same as the roses lying on the ground.

"Feng An...get away from me immediately." Her tone turns chilly and the surroundings go heavy.

Feng An hastily left the yard and enters the mansion, hiding inside.

Li Wei coughed out a mouthful of blood but her pale lips had a hint of a smirk.

She found her roses lying on the ground. Their sharp thorns prick her fingers. Li Wei closes her eyes as she smelled the rose in her hand.

A chilling smile appeared on her calm face. And when she opened her eyes again. You can see her thirst for blood...

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