I Will Not Lose My Hatred | Gaku Yaotome X Idol Reader [Part 1]

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"y/n stop playing with your phone! You're gonna be late!" Your manager shout from the other side of the door.

"I don't want to!" You shout back.

"y/n you will lose your job if you are working like this!" Your manager say as he opened the door and come inside the room which was you were in.

"I know, but i don't want to work with that production" you say and continue to played with your phone.

"It was a great chance for you to become more famous y/n. Please thinks more better" he say.

(A/N: you can choose if u want your manager to be a girl or boy.. its up to you. But i will be using a boy manager)

"Well im thinking better now, so you should cancel that concert" you say this making your manager to become more angry towards you.

"Why? I mean.. why don't you want to work with Yaotome-san?" He asked you.

"Because he is too old" you say as you have Yaotome Sousuke image in your mind.

"Ugh y/n please. I mean his son.. not the president" he told you as he sweat drop.

"Oh you mean that stupid son of the Yaotome president, Gaku?" You ask without looking at your manager.

"Yes him.. and he's not stupid" your manager reply. You looked at your manager, glaring at him slightly.

You get into this mess up thanks to your manager, accepting the Yaotome production offering that is you and Gaku made a new duo song. Yes, just you and Gaku. You got mad at your manager when he was telling you that you would be working with Gaku and what makes you angry the most was that your manager didn't even ask you whether you want to work with him or not. At least ask some permission! You thought. And now you're going to make a big concert at the Zero Arena with the most person that you hate.

'Why does it have to be him?! Why couldn't it be Tenn or Ryu? Why must him?!' You still mad at your manager for not telling you but now you were also mad at yourself. You yourself don't know why was that.

'Why did that old man president Yaotome wants his stupid son to worked with me?!" You ask yourself. Well even your manager and Gaku don't know why.

You've known Gaku since you two were younger. It was all started in the high school. It was started at the first day of school, you two hated each other for unknown reason. You just hated him. You hate seeing him, his face, his voice, his smile, even his grey hair and everything about him you hated it. Same goes for him, he hated you too. So you two were kind of hate each other. You've hate him for the rest of your life in this world but you were so shocked to even meet with him again because of this idol job.

And today was your and Gaku concert. You guys haven't really practice singing and dancing with each other but instead you guys always fighting when there is a meeting or dance practice. There's once that Gaku went to the production that you worked in to practice because you've told your manager that you don't want to go to the Yaotome Production to practice with him because you could've just practice it all by yourself. So Gaku came to your production instead for you to come to his.

When practicing your dancing, you guys weren't finishing the last part of the dance at the same time and he was too slow. Ah, yes... you've actually practice dancing with him but its actually turned into a big fight so whenever you guys have a meeting to practice with each other, your manager and his manager also there to watch out for you guys.


You guys was about to finished the last part of the dance when suddenly,

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