My Devil Boy | Tenn Kujo X Reader

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Hi there. My name is y/n l/n. I am _____ years old. I was born in a normal family. My parents were in German because of their works that they need to live there so i was basically living alone in a apartment. Its doesn't really bothers me a lot that im living alone but what's bother me the most was that i never get a job. I have participate in a lot kind of jobs but i always get rejected by the company. My friend always told me that i can get anything i want but they don't know how hard i am trying to find a job. Its not like my grade is that bad. In fact my grade was too good to say. But why am i not accepted yet? Okay right now, im gonna fill up my information on this online jobs. Yes, i find my jobs online. I should tell you which kind of jobs did i participate. It was Yaotome Production. I know.. it was where the sexy group of idol TRIGGER, lived at the most highest of the floor.


'I hope that i get accepted!! Please kami sama im begging you!' You pray to yourself as you've finished filling up all of your information that's the production needs. You press 'send' and it immediately upload. In fact you've just about to works there, well if they accept you that's all. You pray hardly because you really want to worked at Yaotome Production. You sometimes feel that Kujo Tenn was your long lost twin little brother. But maybe you were wrong.... of course you're wrong because Kujo Tenn wouldn't be your lost twin little brother anyways.

Thank you for registering to Yaotome Production! We will call you later.

There.. later? Really? You ask yourself. You were so excited that you wait until at late night but you got no call from the Yaotome Production. Your eyes were so sleepy already that you eventually give up and sleep.

Timeskip to the next day**

You woke up by a bright light of the sunshine entering your sleepy eyes. You of course eventually wake up and stretch your body a little.

"Im tiredd!~.... ugh" you say as you flopped back onto your bed. You pulled out your phone that was beneath your pillow and your sleepy eyes quickly shot open in awake manure due to the sudden vibration of your phone telling you someone was calling you. You groan at that whoever was calling you now because that person was calling you too early, in the early morning. You looked at your phone screen to see a unknown number was calling you.

"Who the hell is this?..." you mumbled afraid to answer it but your thumb doing the opposite things. You pressed 'accept' and you quickly put it into the speaker mode.

"Hello?" You greet more like asking.

"Hello. Good morning, is this y/n l/n?" The man voice answer. How did you know it was a man? Well despite his manly voice.

"Yes i am.. who is this?" You asked back.

"This is the Yaotome Production.. we were told by the president to told you that you must come to the production today at 8:00 am" he say sternly making you gulp.

"..o-okay..." is all you answer.

"Thank you again for registering as an idol job" the man say making you surprised.

'Did i even register as an idol?!?! Or could it be that job was supposed to be the people that want to be an idol and i didn't see it clearly?!! How can i-! ... okay calm down... calm down..' you told yourself.

"Y-your welcome....." you say.

" ..... " then the man's call immediately being turn off leaving a 'tut tut' sound.

"....damn.." you say as you looked at the times right now. It was 7:00am .


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