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Hey guys, It's me... I'm back with another chapter of the story... Hope u guys will enjoy It...

Here u go...

... Roy Mansion ... ( 04.00 A.M.)

Ragini was sleepin peacefully in her queen sized bed, suddently she woke up and she was sweating badly and breathing very heavily.

Ragini ( Composing herself)= W... What was that? Y I had su... Such a... A... A bad d... Dream? Will that person come... Come back? ( Trying to convince herself, but still she wasn't convinced)= N... No, no, no, no, ( Smiles and tries to laugh a little bit to change her mood)= Y... How can... Can That... Per... Person come back? ( She immediately throws away the blanets and runs out from her room and starts to check each and every corner of her house like a mental.

... After Few Minutes ...

Ragini sits on the sofà and starts relaxing...

Ragini ( Smirking victouriously)= Come on, Ragini! How silly of u... Damn! ( Hits her forhead lightly and says)= Come on, Ragini! How can u be this much stupid? How silly of me... And moreover I'm not like that Behen Ji Somu Di and that over possessive Surbhi... Ugh! Whatever... Y should I spoil my mood for them? ( She gets an idea, so she snaps and smiles happily and says)= Wow, Rags! ( Praises herself)= How intelligent of me! Great! Let's have some fun! ( She goes into the kitchen and takes out osme snacks, a glass and some ice and... Seh also takes out a bottle from under the drawer. She goes back in the living room and serves herself). ( Cheap lady! How selfish!)= Let's have a drink. ( Yes guys, she was going to drink beer, which her Soumya Didi has strictly forbidden to even introduce in this house, but still she went against her sister's wish. She started to drink one glass after another. She drank the whole bottle of 1l). ( Gosh! How cheap and disgusting lady she is!).

... OutsideThe Jungle ...

After Varun narrated the whole incident to Surbhi, they both walked our of the jungle as per Varun's orders, after that they both sat in the car and drove away... Surbhi was sobbing silently and praying for her sister's safety all the way, hwile Varun was just stealing glances of her, as he somewhere felt really very bad and concerned for her, but he didn't showed off his feelings as he didn't wanted her toget more stressed. After few minutes he stopped the car in front of a very big mansion, and on It's nameplate It was written SINGH MANSION in BOLD letters. Surbhi was mesmerized to see such a beautiful mansion.

Surbhi ( Thinks)= If the mansion is this much beautiful from outside, then how much beautiful will be from inside? ( Realizes what she was saying and smiles a little)= Gosh! Surbhi what r u thinking? He's a stranger to me and I'm a stranger to him, that's It! ( She was lost in her thoughts, when Varun comes there and sees her lost, so he calls her softly)= Surbhi... ( No response, again calls her with the same tone)= Surbhi... ( No response, bit loudly)= SURBHI!

Surbhi ( Coming back to her senses says)= Y... Yes... Wha... What happened? Y... Y r u shouting?

He was about to answer her, but then he stopped thinking something and shook his head in disbelief and he signed her to come inside with him, but she didn't moved as she was feeling shy entering someone stranger's house.

Surbhi ( Hesitatingly)= V... Varun... I... How ca... Can I... E.. Enter a stran...

Varun ( Completes the sentence)= How can I enter a stranger's house, right? ( Tries to make her feel comfortable and says)= Surbhi, dnt worry, no one will ask u any questions, I promise... Come... ( He goes near her and holds her hand and assures her through his eyes and both go inside).

... Inside Singh Mansion ...

Surbhi was somewhere scared so she held Varun's hand tightly.

A lady in her 40s comes forward and starts to do their Aarti, while the duo is shocked...

Surbhi ( Whispers, only audible to Varun)= V... Varun, what's all this?

Varun ( Whispers)= I'll do something... ( To the lady)= Preeto mami Ji ( Aunt)= What r u doing?

Preeto ( Scolds him)= What do u mean by what r u doing? I'm doing the Aarti of my younger DIL, what else?

VarBhi ( Shocked, shout together)= WHAT?!?

... Scene Shifts To An Isolated Place ...

Someone is trying to get free of the ropes in which the person is tuec very tightly and firmly... Finally the person succeeds, and the person is abt to run but someone hits the persom's head with a rod and the person 1 faints in another person's arms.

... Screen freezes on VarBhi's shocked face ...

Precap= Same As Previous


Votes= 25

Comments= 10

Again really very sorry for being this much late!



1. Whom is the person that Ragini, Soumya and Surbhi mention everytime?

2. Where is Soumya?

Plzzzzzzzzzz do answer them........



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