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"Piece of shit old man."

Y/N exclaims as he had just found out that his father had transferred him to a school in Korea.

"Hah! So you found the letter I presume?"

His father appears wearing a smug expression on his face.

"Why? Just Why?! I don't understand why you're making me change schools, out of nowhere no less."

Y/N just couldn't understand, one moment he actually liked being in New Zealand, until he finds a letter on his desk about how he has to transfer to another school.

"Don't look so glum, it'll damage your handsome face."

"A face that I definitely didn't inherit from you." Y/N harshly retorts.

"*sigh* Sorry kid, but I have to send you away for the year. You need a change of environment, ever since you're moth-"

"Don't even think about finishing that sentence... Fine, I'll go. Hopefully its better than this goddamn waste of space." With that Y/N left to go pack his bags.

"Its a fucking Mansion for Christ's sake!" His father yells.

"The one that I spent with my money!" Y/N shouts from his room.

TWICE Fuck-Girls x Male Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now