Chapter 1- Introduction

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Tzuyu POV

"That's a fine ass you got there," I say to a passing by student. She gets flustered and starts running. No fun.

"Tzuyu you need to stop going after others, aren't I enough to please?" I hear from behind me. Sana.

"Well don't you go and have sex with a different girl every week? Why do you need me?" I ask.

"I'm just kidding, no need to be so uptight. So, have you heard about the new student coming, I heard it's a guy from New Zealand." She tells me.

"Who cares? You know I'm only interested In girls." I reply.

Ever since I started dating, I've only been interested in girls, nothing has ever changed that, and I don't think a transferee can make me change, can he?

We enter our class to see our other fuck-girl friends already seated at the back of each row talking to each other, they look in my direction before saying hello and then completely dismissing me.

"Alright quiet down class.........

"Alright now that that's out of the way, we have a new student joining us for the rest of the year, come in Y/N."


I enter the class and walk to the front of the board. The teacher tells me to introduce myself.

"Names Kang Y/N, I'm Korean, German and Japanese, I have currently moved from New Zealand because of personal reasons. Nice to meet you." One reason why I didn't want to come here was because of the very reason I was Korean.

"Oh! A pretty boy, lammmeeeeee!"
What is this, this is something you would experience in an anime. A jackass appears bullying you because you're handsome, in most cases, the jerk is stopped by the teacher. But this isn't most cases. He walks up to me acting all menacingly. Cute. He pushes his face closer to mine, does he think he's threatening or something? Well, enough with this. I trip him up and before he falls, I grab him by the face with one hand, covering it fully. A reintroduction is needed.

"I'm only going to say this once. I have a bubble, and if you ever pop that bubble-" I say slowly as I squeeze the idiots face. He starts screaming.

During the moment, I make eye contact with a girl at the back, and with the coldest voice, I say;

"I'll break you."

"T-t-thank you, Y/N. Could you put the boy down, please."

"Sorry, where am I gonna be sitting?"

"In the corner next to the window."

The entire back row is filled with girls except for the one seat. Wow, coincidence much.

I drop the asshole before going to my seat, as I look around I see the girls staring and guys sweating. Hopefully, the introduction was good enough to not draw any attention, especially from the popular kids.

Tzuyu POV

I think I just came, I think every girl in the back row just came. That's not fair, we're usually the ones making people cum, not the other way around. It's just, the way he looked at me when he said those words. They made me tingly in my lower regions. This showed either he was the one to make me like guys again or he was the one that would bring me the greatest pleasure in my entire life.

Hopefully both.

Twice POV

Every1: 'He's Mine'

TWICE Fuck-Girls x Male Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now