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The Gladers and I gather everything we need. I take as many weapons as I can strap to my body without getting stabbed every time I take a step. My backpack has a few more knives, food, extra clothes, a lot of water, and a keepsake. I know, I should hate this place and want to remember none of it. But before we go, I carve out a small circle of wood from my hideaway tree. I want to remember it, at least.

Minho has the non-Runners run back and forth across the Glade for about half an hour, just to prepare them for what's coming.

The newest Greenie, a boy named Ben, comes up to me and says "I don't know how you Runners do this all day."

I smile at him. He's hiding it, but his eyes give away how scared he is. I don't blame him.

"Oh, you were running so fast. I bet with a bit more practice, you could be a Runner too."

He looks stunned by the compliment, which makes me laugh. I pat him on the back and jog over to Minho, who's shouting at the boys to keep running.

"Hey, chill on them, they don't normally do this." He looks down at me, which isn't hard as he's about a foot taller than me. I hate my height.

"Okay," he says, resting his arm on my head like the annoying little shit he is. I pull away, and he laughs at my fake offended face. I punch him in the arm before going to Newt.

"Ready?" He asks as I approach.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask.

Newt sighs. "I don't know, you just seem... different lately. Off somehow."

Is it that obvious? No one knows about my memories... Can he just tell because he knows me or because it's obvious? I'm caught offhand, and I have no idea what to say.

He must be able to tell, as he says "Don't worry. It'snot obvious. I don't think Minho or any of the others even noticed." 

I sigh in relief. Can't have boys who barely know me asking about why I'm different. 

"Seriously though," Newt says. Our voices are quiet, so no one overhears us. "Are you okay? Your eyes are troubled and your voice is less sure of itself. Did you see something in the Maze? Have a dream? I swear I won't tell."

I drop my gaze from his face to the ground. I've always had a stronger relationship with Newt then anyone else, second running is Minho. Newt can read me like a book.

"I'm fine, just... nervous." 

He pulls my chin up so I'm looking at him. "You're lying. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but you are not fine." He pulls me into a hug.

I slowly put my arms around him, but I hate lying to my friends. We break apart after a minute, which, to my surprise, disappoints me.

"C' mon shuck heads," Alby yells. "Time to run!"

A cheer breaks out among the Gladers, and, with me in front, we run into the Maze. No one stays behind, but there was some protesting when we said everyone was going.

I run around corners, I twist and turn and run until we reach the Cliff. There, I cut some vines and tie them together while I wait for everyone else to catch up. I'm the first one here- even Minho is a few turns behind. But I know the way here, and the rest of the Maze, like the back of my hand.

I throw the vines out once everyone is here. It takes a few tries, but eventually, they reach the hole and disappear. 

"Throw me the sticks!" I shout. I have a rope in my backpack, and a few of the Gladers carried sticks while they ran. Only Runners, though, because the sticks were twenty feet tall and there is no way everyone else would have been able to run with sticks that tall and keep up.

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