Chapter 4 - My Roommate is a Jerk

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Taeya POV's

The last class that I attend is mathematics, I don't need to tell you because I know you are all already know that this subject is so boring. I almost fell asleep but suddenly a loud bell rang. I almost jump from my seat because of happiness. Finally, thanks God, today's lesson is over. It's time to go to my new apartment and jump on my new cozy bed. I put all my belonging to my bag and walk out from the class as fast as I can. But suddenly someone grab your wrist and pull you to somewhere you never know. I try to slip from his grip but it doesn't work. He stopped and turns around to facing me. I frowned to myself when I saw his face. That jerk, Luhan, yes him "What do you want?" I asked him lazily while stare at his eyes. Suddenly Luhan lean his face closer to my face. His face just an inch away from my face. He move his face closer to your ear "Nothing, babe" He whispered and wink to me. After that he left me there alone. I can't understand him. What is he doing earlier? Is he crazy? He called me babe, how dare him. I frowned. He is disgusting.

I walk through the road which leads me to the Seoul Highschool Apartment. I really tired, my feet hurt because I'm walking to there. I really want to take a shower, then bury myself below the blanket. I move faster and arrive at the lobby. I immediately get in to the lift and press the 5th floor. I close my eyes for a while. When the lift open, I get out and search for room 12. I walk through the corridor and finally I found it. Finally! I take out the key from my bag and unlock the door. I can hear a click sound from the door. I turn the knob and open it "Oh" Suddenly I hear a familiar voice and I saw Luhan infront of me, his face looks surprised but not that surprised "Hello babe, so you're my new roommate" He said that while smirking. I dropped my jaw because of his statement. Is he my roommate? If yes, I will live here with him, with a jerk. Why my life is so unlucky? Suddenly Luhan grab your wrist and pull you to the apartment. He slammed the door and pinned me on the wall. All I can do is bulging my eyes. I really shocked "I will tell you something" He starts to speak "I don't like to live with someone else, so just go and rent the new apartment" He smirks to me, showing his manly side "Go out now babe" He said that with a lovely voice. WTF. What is he talking about? How dare he is? I roll my eyes and smile to him "Sorry Luhan, but I don't want to" I give him the sweetest smile. I can see his expression fell.

Luhan POV's

"Sorry Luhan, but I don't want to" She said that and gives me a sweet smile. I really surprised she said that to me. No one ever act superior infront of me. Anyone is inferior in my eyes but this girl showed me her superior side. One thing that I know, this girl shout a war. I give her my lovely eye smile "Okay babe, I already warn you" I lean on her face and look at her dark orbs "Let's see how long you'll live in this apartment with me as your roommate" I said it gently but harsh enough to show her that she is annoyed me. She stares back at my eyes and looks like she is quite stubborn "We'll see jerk" She replied and smiled to me. Oh, Lee Taeya, wait for a tough life. I won't let you slipped, I'll make you suffer everyday until you leave from my apartment.

Taeya POV's

"Let's see how long you'll live in this apartment with me as your roommate" He said that confidently. His voice is gentle but I know he is intimidating me with his tone. I stare at his eyes "We'll see jerk" I said that and smiled to him. I won't lost to him. Actually, I never really care who is my roommate. I don't care even if it's Luhan, the rich supermodel. I don't care how much he really wants me to leave from this apartment. What I know is, I pay as much as he pays. So, he has no rights to spoke that way. It's really easy, if he doesn't like me as his roommate, he can leave, because I will not leave.  After that, he let go of my wrist and walk into his bedroom. I saw he slam the door and I heard a loud voice from the door. Aiiiisssshhh, I hate that jerk. I hate him. I really hate!!! "Go to hell!" I shout to the door. I really hope he will go to hell.

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