Hes back and hes a Bad Boy? Chapter 1

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Audrey's POV

He placed his hands around my waist and leaned down to look me in the eye and whispered " you are so irresistible." that sentence made me shiver, who the hell is this god like creature? I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with the soft hair at his neck as he brought his lips to my cheek and trailed sweet but hot kisses down to my jaw line and down my neck...if he's not careful I may just rip his clothes of right here and now and have my way with him!

I gasped as his teeth playfully nipped at my neck but he soon went back to giving me sweet, sexy kisses that tickled and I had to laugh. He pulled back and stopped right away. Nice one Audrey, good job! Way to kill the mood I want to high five myself right now...in the face! "Why did you stop?!" I said sounding a little needy. Without another word he kissed my lips his lips were so soft it was almost orgasmic! ... Almost. I playfully bit his lip as his hands moved under my shirt. Shit! What am I doing? I almost pulled back but then thought, I have a sex god creature tonguing me, why in god's name would I stop?! His hands moved further up towards my bra I moaned into the kiss just as his hand-


My eyes flew open and I sat straight up "huh? What the hell?!" I yelled only to see my best friend Peyton looking at me amused. Damn it! It was only a dream? Story of my life right there! I only get sex-god guys near me in my dreams the ones in real life run away screaming "my eyes! What is that creature?!"

"Why did you yell?!" I said slightly pissed off. "Because you sounded like you were legit getting in on by yourself back there!" only then did I realise I was actually in class and the whole class was staring at me and laughing. I turned bright read and sunk back in my chair. Oops.

"Audrey, if you're finished catching up on your sleep and fantasising about god only knows what can you please answer question 2 for the class?" my teacher Mrs Sweets asked. "64 metres! No wait... The square root of pie?!" I started yelling out random numbers hoping to get the answer right.

"I guess that answer could be correct; if we were in maths but this is English Miss Fitzgerald, please pay attention!" Mrs Sweet said looking annoyed and amused at the same time. God she loved to embarrass me! I can do that by myself lady, I don't need you to do it for me, clearly.

"Sorry Mrs Sweets." I mumbled as I shrunk further into my seat, any further and I'll be on the floor. Well what an embarrassing morning that has been. "Psst! Hepburn!" Peyton whispered getting my attention. No, my name is not Audrey Hepburn, just Audrey Fitzgerald and I live in the small town of Gardens Grove and all my friends call me Hepburn after the woman herself "What?!" I glared at her, still pissed at her for waking me but also relieved. I can't imagine what would have happened if she hadn't. She smirked at me like a sleaze. "So what were you daydreaming about or should I say who were you daydreaming about?" she whispered while doing several sneaky hip thrusts under the table to emphasis her question. I didn't want to answer her and let her embarrass me more so I said what came mind first "Ya Mum!" I nearly died of laughter when I saw her face full of disgust and horror "That's disgusting! We'll talk after class clearly we need to talk-" she was cut off my Mrs Sweets "Alright everyone shut up! and look this way!" she yelled.

The whole class turned to the front when the principal Mr Wheeler walked through the door with a teenage guy in tow "Good Morning Mrs Sweets, hope you day has been splendid so far" he says looking at my teacher for a long time. Oh yeah they are so getting it on! My teacher blushes, oh yeah I am so right, they are in each other's pants. Mr Wheeler interrupted my gloating " seniors, this is your new class member he has just arrived today please make him feel welcome, Ryder Daniels." he gestured to the guy next to him and the guy gave a head nod of acknowledgement. Great he's a head nod kind of guy, I don't get the head nod, and personally to me it just looks like they had a neck spasm.

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