Chapter One

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Twitter Love

Chapter One...

''These too!,'' Ruby threw about five packets of gummy sweets at me, of course her favourite, haribo.  ''I seriously don't think we need the whole shelf of them,'' i laughed putting some back and keeping two packets, ''we need to get juice and then we can get a tub of ice cream each before heading back to yours, ok?,'' She smiled at me taking the basket i was carrying off me and walking on ahead.  We were having a big sleepover, like any irregular 17 year old's we were stocking up on a lot of junk food and having a janoskian marathon on twitter, yup we are janoskianators.  Unfortunately i myself had never been 'noticed' by any of them on twitter or instagram or anything really, but Ruby, she was followed by both Luke and Daniel, and i will tell you, i had no idea how she managed to get the Daniel follow, its impossible, as impossible as getting a follow from any of them actually, for me.

Ruby's favourite was Daniel and when she got that follow, i swear she was the happiest she had ever been, has, ever been.  I was so happy for her but also jealous, i didn't let the jealousy show though.  Beside the boys have said they are doing a twitcam tonight (morning in Melbourne) so me and Ruby are going to be on our phones, laptops, iPad etc anything we have and tweet them, making us known but i know obviously i won't get noticed, i try to stay positive about it but it sucks knowing that.  My name is Talia, I'm 17 from Birmingham, but live in London with my grandmother, i have lived here since i was 7 so for 10 years, after my parents and younger brother died in a house fire, which i survived miraculously in.  After i moved here i met Ruby, we haven't been friends for 9 years, best friends actually.  I was bullied more than i was back in Birmingham but i also had a lot of great friends and people around me.  My gran and gran dad were the most important people to me and when my grandfather got cancer, it brought me closer to my family, eventually he passed away 3 years ago.  Anyway me and Ruby were walking around tesco after a nice day of shopping for random stuff really, then we were going to head back to my house, the house i live in is quite big so when Ruby is staying and were fangirling we aren't disturbing my gran which is good.

''Ok i want cookie dough!,'' i say, grabbing a tub of ben and jerrys cookie dough ice cream, ''i want the fudge brownie,'' Ruby said and then i stopped her, ''I have an unopened tub at home, you can have that one'' i offered, she nodded and we soon went off the till.  We were still in school on our last year, we had finished all the important stuff and in a few long months we are going to be moving our own apartment somewhere in London, close enough to my gran who will be selling her her house as it will only be her there to buy a smaller house, not too small as there are other grandchildren younger than me who visit a lot, my fathers brother, Richard has three small children with his wife Sonya, they are, Amelia, Savannah and Toby.

''Ok lets go then,'' Ruby chirped taking the bag to carry, we weren't too far away from home, i check the time 7:34 pm, the twitcam was at 8:30 pm our time, so we had plenty time to get in and get all our gadgets on and sorted, i was so looking forward to this, apparently they have a pretty big announcement too so its even more exciting!

I haven't really said much about me and the janoskians, basically i started watching them around 2 years ago or so and i have been hooked ever since, they brought me a happiness i had lost a long time ago, they made me laugh hysterically and i loved that i had my best friend to enjoy them with, even my gran liked them!  she had the eye for James and Beau i won't lie.  As i said Ruby's favourite was Daniel.  My favourite was Luke, i just love his kindness and he seems so down to earth like them all but i feel like i could really connect with him as a person, he is also extremely hot, traits he shares with his incredibly sexy twin, Jai.  Jai was special to me, like he just seemed so calm and although he can be pretty crazy and hilariously funny he also had a calm, cool side and i just felt like he resembles myself in a way, which is a good thing. 

Twitter Love (Jai Brooks ~ Janoskians)Where stories live. Discover now