Chapter Two

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Twitter Love

Chapter Two...

A couple of days after the twit cam the boys held i constantly found myself checking twitter to see if @janoskianatorj had tweeted me, tweeted anyone actually or anything. They hadn't though, tweeted for 3 days since the night of the twit cam. I don't even know why i keep checking i guess their the only person really stood out on twitter to me, besides the celebrities. The boys have tweeted a lot though recently and have revealed the dates for the tour, they are coming to London on the 17th July, next year. Tickets will be going on sale in October. It is now September.

I decided on tweeting the @janoskianatorj account, i don't want to seem like a needy person as they said they'd get me a jai follow because that really isn't why i wanted to speak to them, just from tweeting them that night their personality seemed to match mine perfectly and i found that rare for it to be a stranger.

@taliapopsatrace : @JanoskianatorJ Decided twitter isn't your thing even though you got literally everyones world following you? ;) .. X

This person, i wasn't sure if they were boy and girl but after getting followed by Jai Brooks you would be on twitter a lot more now wouldn't you! This person is confusing..



My phone went off as i sat on the sofa watching the nightly programs on, i looked at it briefly but my attention was caught straight on as i realised it was a direct message. From JanoskianatorJ.

@JanoskianatorJ: Hey! No where near finished with twitter! Your world is extrememly attractive i must say;) x

I laughed to myself, Jai would of course be their world too if they are a janoskianator account right? I debated on whether to question it eventually deciding i should.

@taliapopsatrace: Nope :p my world is all Luke:p although Jai is pretty good too, what about you then huh?, Its almost the end of the week may i remind you :D xx

I went to sit my phone down when i got an instant reply,

@JanoskianatorJ: Why isn't Jai your favourite?! Ah yes, well i guess you should check your notifications, Talia ;) x

I looked at my phone screen with confusion before looking onto my mentions, oh my god! Is this real what the hell!

I let out a scream "OH MY FUCKING GOD" i let out, Jai Brooks followed me! He actually followed me, he knows i exist oh my god! JanoskianatorJ i love you!

@taliapopsatrace: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH PLEASE JUST MARRY ME!! How did you manage to do that! Omg x

I texted Ruby a million and one times alerting her of the grand news, the smile on my face was pretty damn wide.

@JanoskianatorJ: Me and Jai are pretty close;). Ok then fiancé:p tell me more about you! X

@taliapopsatrace: how close?? My name is Talia, i am 17, live in London, im the girl in my picture, the most amazing person ever and engaged to a stranger. You?:) xx

@JanoskianatorJ: pretty close. Im 19, from Australia (i know im like neighbours with the boys, i wish) im also the most amazing person you will ever meet! Im brunette with brown eyes, i am also Male! X

@taliapopsatrace: and what is my fiancés name??

@JanoskianatorJ: Secret xD

@taliapopsatrace: then what shall i call you?

@JanoskianatorJ: fiancé, god, jesus, whatever :D

@taliapopsatrace: how about J?

@JanoskianatorJ: J??

@taliapopsatrace: Yeah because Jai is obviously your favourite, and you have a J at the end of your username :p

@JanoskianatorJ: J it is.

@taliapopsatrace: Haha so whens our wedding, J?x

@JanoskianatorJ: When i come to London :)

@taliapopsatrace: Are you?

@JanoskianatorJ: i am coming to the London show :D

We continued to speak all night, this person was literally so nice to speak to! They were coming to the London show so hopefully we can meet!

Ruby and i spoke on the phone for the rest of the night, as J lives in Australia so it would obviously be during the day for him but obviously he understands that i will be asleep, which i'm not but i wanted to speak to Ruby before i went to sleep.
I told her about J and fangirled with her about Jai following me. She was jealous but i knew she was extremely happy for me.

After a while we said our goodbyes and i went and wished my grandmum a good night.
"Sleep tight, Talia. Angels in our heart" she said as she drew a love heart with her finger on her chest near where her heart is. I mimicked her, "angels in our heart,".
We said this every night to eachother and every time we needed it, just to remember my parents, brother and my grandad.
"Love you" i kissed her soft cheek before going back to my room and snuggling into my duvet.

End of Chapter Two
Twitter Love

Merry Christmas everyone!<3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2014 ⏰

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