Chapter 22

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I was awoken by the sound of rain drops pitter-pattering on the roof and loud thunder noises. After jumping out of my bed , I tip toed towards the window , hoping not to wake Kirishima-kun up proceeded to take a look outside. The weather seemed gloomy and it was raining a lot.

I sighed before saying "Can't let the weather ruin today! Today is a good day!"

I checked the time and saw that it was only 4 am. I wasn't supposed to be at Tokyo University till 11 am.

After contemplating wether or not to go back to sleep , I decided to stay awake and try to be productive. After all , I still haven't cleaned up my room after I made a mess of it during the two weeks I had studied for the entrance exam. There were textbooks everywhere and lots of ramen noodle cups and empty water bottles on my desk.

30 minutes went by quickly quickly and by then I had already finished throwing away all the trash in my room and organizing my textbooks. Since there was still a lot of time left , I decided to clean my whole room.

Cleaning up my room was like a trip through memory land. In one of my drawers , I found the stuffed teddy bear my mom had gotten me for my High school graduation day. The teddy bear was wearing a graduation outfit while holding a diploma.

 The teddy bear was wearing a graduation outfit while holding a diploma

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Under the bear was a brown box.

"What's this?" , I asked myself.

What I found however was something I wanted to forget about. Something I shouldn't have opened on this happy day ; a box filled with letters from my ex.

Flashback :

"Izu-kun! Congratulations on getting into your dream college. I always knew you could make it" she said as she smiled brightly.

I loved that smile. It was unrestrained , cheerful and it's really contagious. Before I knew it , I found myself smiling as well.

"Ahh thank you and congratulations to you too! Though we won't be able to see each other every day anymore, I really hope we get to see each other often!"

"It's crazy , isn't it? I'm going to be attending College in Kyoto! I'll definitely come visit you every weekend though so don't think you've gotten rid of me yet , silly boy!" She replied as she giggled , her eyes forming into a beautiful crescent shape."

I joined in too and there we were , sitting on the benches Infront of our now ,old high school , laughing like there was no tomorrow. Nothing could ruin this moment.

"Oh by the way, before i forget.. here!" She said as she handed me a small brown box.

"Whats this? I told you you didn't have to get me anything." , I said as I took the box.

"Just open it! It's a box filled with my love."

When I opened the box , I found numerous hand written letters and a picture of us together which wa taken during prom. I flipped over the picture only to find a note written on it.

" Dear izuku,

Congratulations on getting into college!! You have no idea how proud I am of you , Izu-kun. In this box I wrote special letters for you to read whenever you miss me or are feeling down :) I hope this helps you in your time of need <3 I love you and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you!

Love , Tsuyu."

Tears started falling out of my eyes. This was definitely not what I wanted to remember on this happy day.

After a few minutes , I composed myself once more. It was now 9 am , 2 hours left till I had to be at Tokyo University.

By now , Kirishima-kun had already woken up. He was ranting about the rain making too much noise that he woke up multiple times during the night , I wasn't really listening , my mind kept going back to Tsuyu.


Ding dong

"COMING!" I yelled out while running towards the door and opening it.

"Hi sweetie , ready for your big day?" , my mom said as she walked into our dorm room.

"I sure as hell am , mom!"

"Bro I don't know how your mom even lets you say words like that , I would've gotten beaten up if I said that to my mom" Bakugo said while coming out of Kirishima's room.

"Wait.. I didn't see you come in yesterday? And Kirishima's room only has one bed.. did you guys sleep on the same bed?!"

"Uhh.. gotta go wash my pet squirrel , Jeffrey!" he said before running out the back door.

(A/N) ;
Thanks for tuning in to read this~╹◡╹)♡

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