|Together forever| Yandere!Soviet x Reader

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This picture is WaCk. I also remade the picture with my small group of friends at school, and hell, I won!! They can't squat.

Anyways, I just want to say I'm working on the requests that are fairly simple for me, then I'm moving onto the other ones, since I'm not that familiar with the countries. Please be patient.

Requested by @Naomii-Star Enjoyyyyyy

Soviet's P.O.V

I was watching my beautiful (Y/N). Japan Empire had asked her to look after Japan for the day, so the woman and girl were in the park, making flower crowns. The way (Y/N)'s hair shines in the sun drives me mad, her laugh could put an angel's voice to shame. Her (E/C) eyes, they were like gemstones.

That was when America walked up to the pair. "America..." I muttered, my voice laced with anger and jealousy. Though (Y/N) claims they are just friends, I think America wants to progress up the ladder. I managed to swallow a growl when America hugged (Y/N). The woman giggled, a beautiful sound, and invited him to join them. My luck, he said no. "I have things to do, maybe another time?" He asked. (Y/N) nodded, and Japan said bye. 

America walked past the tree I was hiding behind, so I grabbed him and slapped a hand over his mouth to stop him from making a noise. I slammed him against the tree, pressing a gleaming pocket knife to his throat. America stiffened, and tried pushing me off him. "What are you doing?" He asked, even though his voice was muffled by my hand.

"You're getting cozy with my (Y/N), and I don't like it." I hissed, pressing the blade harder into his neck. He struggled, and kept trying to push me away. "P-Please, I don't kno-" "Of course you know what I mean." I snapped, lightly drawing the knife across his neck. America whimpered quietly. "I'll make sure you never get close to my angel again." I whispered, before slicing his neck. With a muffled scream, he struggled even more, before his eyes closed and his body went limp. (Sorry, my American friends...)

I grinned, picked his body up and hid it in a nearby, thick bush. I cleaned the knife of America's blood, then shoved it back into my pocket. 'I'll tell (Y/N) tonight.' I thought, before grinning, and going home.

Timeskip brought to you by Jessica (OC) quoting memes loudly

I happened to catch (Y/N) just as she was unlocking her door. She must of come back from dropping Japan off. "(Y/N)!" I called out, striding over to her. She turned around, and her face lit up when she saw me. (Y/N) gave me a dazzling smile. Hello, Soviet! What can I do for you?" She asked.

"Can I come in? I have to ask you something." I said. (Y/N) nodded, and opened the door, letting me in before coming in herself. She closed to door, and indicated for me to sit down and make myself comfortable. I sat down in one of her armchairs. "So, what is it you wanted to ask me?" (Y/N) asked, settling in the armchair across from me.

I got nervous, and tapped my index fingers together. "I was wondering if you'd be mine." I mumbled. There was silence. I looked up, and saw (Y/N) staring at me, a mixture of emotions in her beautiful (E/C) eyes. Quick as a flash, I had her pinned to the armchair, pocket knife at her neck. "I won't take no for an answer."

Beads of sweat formed on (Y/N)'s forehead, and I could her her rapid heart beats. "Y-Yes... I will be yours.." She whispered, giving me a nervous smile. I slipped my pocket knife back into my pocket (Obviously, it's a pocket knife).

"Good girl, my angel." I whispered, picking her up and taking her up to bed. I pushed her door open with my hip, and closed it with my foot. I lay (Y/N) on the bed, and plonked next to her. I snuggled her close to my chest, and I felt her tense up. "Relax, my love. I won't do anything to you." I mumbled, then grinned. "Not yet, anyways.."

BOOM!! It's done! By the way, this is just part one! Yep, I'm doing another one! In a few chapters though, because I have other requests to work on. Anyways, hope you enjoyedd!!

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