"Y/N!!!!" Brad screams, grabbing you in a hug. You laugh and hug him back tightly. "You saw me yesterday" You say, smirking. "Yeah, but before that I hadn't seen you in months. Every second I'm away from you it feels like years" He pouts cutely, making you giggle. "Brad c'mere, the twitcam's about to start!" James calls from Brad's living room. He drags you over and sits down on the floor, pulling you into his lap. "Twitcam..?" You question, looking back at him. "Oh yeah, Joe called earlier and told us to do a twitcam this afternoon" He informs you. "Oh, should I leave?" You ask, but Brad's arms tighten around your waist, telling you no. "Hi guys!" Tristan exclaims, waving at Brad's laptop. The boys all say their hello's and hi's, but you remain silent. "Y/N is gonna join us today. Hope that's alright" Brad says, smiling sweetly. Connor smirks and adds, "Even if it isn't, Brad's not letting her leave" The boys all chuckle and agree, making Brad roll his eyes. "Sarry guys. I missed my girlfriend. Sue me" Brad jokes. You smile a little and lean closer to his ear. "I missed you too" You whisper, causing a smile to spread on your boyfriend's face. "Alright! Why don't you guys send in some questions? Because we didn't plan this at all so..." Tristan laughs. Soon, the fans are sending in loads of questions, some random, some about tour, and some about you and Brad. "What's our go to shower song?" James asks, looking at his band mates. "Anaconda" Tristan says seriously. You all burst into laughter at his answer. "Probably a Taylor Swift song" James replies, still chuckling. "Y/N? What's yours?" Brad asks. "Oh um.. Wild heart" You answer truthfully. "Ah! Yes Y/N!" Connor exclaims. "We didn't pay her to say that" Brad chuckles. You smirk and shrug. Tristan pulls a five dollar bill out of his pocket and passes it to you. "Good job, keep up the good work" He says jokingly. The boys all laugh and you take the money. "Wha- hey! You're not actually supposed to take it!" Tristan whines. You giggle and shrug saying, "Mine now" After answering a few more questions, Brad nuzzles his face into the back of your neck. You lean your back into his chest and smile as they other boys talk about their music and tour and stuff. "Y/N..." Brad whispers, loud enough so only you can hear him. "Mm?" You hum. "I missed you so much" He says quietly. You smile softly and rest your hand over his. "Well you're back now.. And I don't plan on letting you leave for a while" You reply. Brad lets out a small chuckle and holds you closer. "That's fine by me.. Because next time we go on tour, im taking you with the me