A Real Party

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A large crowd downstairs in the third class general room howled with lively music, laughter, and raucous carrying on. An ad hoc band was gathered near the upright piano, honking out lively stomping music on a fiddle, accordion, and tambourine. People of all ages were dancing, drinking beer and wine, smoking, laughing, and even brawling.

Doug approached Miranda at one of the tables and handed her a pint of stout. One of her twins, Cassidy, sat next to her, having a fantastic time pretending to arm wrestle with Lily. Meanwhile, Andy was a few feet away dancing with Caroline Priestly, or at least she was trying to, with the girl standing on Andy's feet. As the tune ended, Andy smoothly made her away to the white haired woman at the table.

"I'm gonna dance with your mother now," Andy told the girl, and pointed to Miranda.

The editor stopped clapping and a serious look overcame her as she realized that Andy's hand was stretched out towards her.

"C'mon," she said.

"What?" Miranda was baffled, and completely unprepared.

"Hurry, c'mon," Andy pulled the woman out of her seat.

"Andrea. Andrea, wait," Miranda was now completely facing Andy. "I can't do this."

The younger woman smirked and ignored Miranda's protests.

"We're gonna have to get a little bit closer," Andy pulled the editor nearly against her own body.

Miranda trembled as Andy took her right hand in her left and the other slid down to the small of her back. It was an electrifying moment.

Off to the side, Caroline watched Andy holding her mother. A small frown came across her face. Andy turned to look at her. She smiled and said, "You're still my best girl, Caro." The redhead gave an effortless smile and then scampered off with her twin to play with Cora Cartmell.

"I don't know the steps," Miranda admitted, her cheeks burning.

"Just move with me. Don't think."

The music started and they were off. It was a little awkward at first, but Miranda slowly eased into it. She gave a small grin to Andy as the rhythm got into her steps.

"Wait, stop!" she yelped out. They peeled off to the side and Miranda bent down, pulling off her patent leather Lanvin heels. She flung them to the side, Doug immediately grabbing them. As soon as that was done she grabbed Andy and the pair plunged back into the fray, dancing faster as the music sped up.

The scene was rowdy and rollicking. In the corner, a table was knocked over as a drunk crashed into it, and in the middle of it all, Miranda dancing with Andy in her stocking feet. The steps only got faster and she glistened with light perspiration. A space opened around them, and people watched, clapping as the band played faster and faster.

Andy smiled wider and took both of Miranda's hands in her own before spinning them around in a circle.

"Andrea, no," Miranda pleaded as she began to see everything whirling past her at an alarming speed.

Andy could only laugh, causing Miranda to let out a small squeal followed by more laughter.

The tune ended in a mad rush and Andy stepped away from Miranda in a flourish, allowing her to take a bow. Exhilarated and slightly tipsy, the editor did a graceful ballet ployer, feet turned out perfectly. Everyone laughed and applauded. Miranda was a hit with the steerage folks, who had never had a lady party with them.

They moved to the table, flushed and sweaty. Miranda plucked a cigarette from Lily and took a big drag. She was feeling cocky, and scanned both Lily and the other girl next to her.

Doug approached the group then, a pint for each of them. Miranda chugged hers, showing off. The others stared.

"What? You think a first class woman can't drink?" she scoffed.

Everyone else began dancing again, and Bjorn Gunderson, drunk, crashed hard into Doug, causing him to slosh beer all over Miranda's beautiful gown. She laughed, not caring.

Doug however, lunged, grabbing Bjorn and wheeling him around.

"You stupid bastard!"

Bjorn came around, his fists coming up, but Andy interrupted, pushing them apart.

"Boys, boys! Did I ever tell you the one about the Swede and the Irishman going' to the whorehouse?"

Doug stood there, all piss and vinegar, his chest puffed up. Then he grinned and clapped Bjorn on the shoulder. Miranda butted her way in gracefully at that moment, a devious smirk across her face.

"So, you think you're big tough men? Let's see you do this."

In her stocking feet she assumed a ballet stance, arms raised, going up on point, taking her entire weight on the tips of her toes. She guys gaped at her incredible muscle control. She came back down, her face twisted up in pain. She grabbed one foot, hopping around.

"Oooowww! I haven't done that in years," Miranda sighed and nearly losing her balance.

Andy caught her amidst her fall, and everyone else cracked up.

From the top of the door to the well deck, a few inches parted leaving visible room for a one Christian Thompson to snoop around. He peered through the gap, scanning the crowd until his eyes landed on Andy holding Miranda, both of them laughing.

Christian closed the door.


The stars blazed overhead, so bright and clear you could see the Milky Way.

Miranda and Andy walked along the row of lifeboats. The twins laughing and running around the deck, all still giddy from the party. Miranda and Andy were singing a popular song "Come Josephine in my Flying Machine".

"And it's up she goes! Up she goes!

In the air she goes. Where? There she goes!" the two sang together, and then fumbled the words before breaking down and laughing. They had reached the First Class Entrance, but didn't go straight in, not wanting the evening to end. The twins however, were beginning to tire and slipped through the opening to return to their stateroom. As the door swung open, the sound of the ship's orchestra wafted gently. Miranda grabbed onto a davit and leaned back, staring at the cosmos.

"Isn't it magnificent? So grand and endless," she then went to the rail and leaned on it.

"They're such small people, Andrea, my crowd. They think they're giants in God's eye, and I've always seen beyond what people want, past who they are and their needs. I only stand it for my girls, I love my girls so much. But all the others, all of them, they live inside this little tiny champagne bubble, and someday the bubble's going to burst."

Andy leaned on the rail next to her, their hands just barely touching. It was the slightest contact imaginable, but all either one of them could feel was that square inch where skin touched skin.

"You're not one of them. There's been a mistake," Andy said.

"A mistake?"

"Uh huh. You got mailed to the wrong address."

Miranda let out a free laugh.

"I did, didn't I?" She looked up and pointed to the sky suddenly. "Look! A shooting star."

Andy smiled and said, "That was a long one. My father used to say that whenever you saw one, it was a soul going to heaven."

"I like that. Aren't we supposed to wish on it?"

Andy looked at the editor, suddenly finding that they were so very close together. It would be so easy to move another couple of inches, to kiss her. Miranda might have been thinking the same thing.

"What did you wish for?" Andy asked, and Miranda pulled away.

"Something I can't have." She smiled sadly and retreated from the railing, hurrying through the first class entrance.

"Miranda!" Andy called, but the door banged shut and she was gone. Back to her world.

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