Out of the Ordinary

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I wake up to the sound of birds chirping and music blaring. My eyes are tired and want to keep sleeping, but I somehow manage to drag myself out of bed. I zombie walk into the kitchen, and see my mom sitting at the kitchen table, eating her breakfast.

"Mom, what's all the calm music outside about? Barbie hasn't played this calm music since...forever!"

"Sierra, don't be rude, I actually find this music actually quite charming. Anywho, theres a new visitor in town!" My mom replies, happily.

"Oh...a new visitor...." My voice trails off. I like our town. I like Divina the way it is. I don't want some person to come and make everything all messed up.

I scrabmle outside, barely grabbing my phone as I dart through the door. Right as I shut the door behind me, I look up and see a crowd of people surrounding an area next to the fountain. I glance down at my phone, and call my friend, Luke.

"Luke...what's going on here? Why is everyone crowding in one area?" I ask.

"Some new girl is here in Divina," Luke answers.

"Yeah, I know that..." I watch my friend kiiara wave to me, like she wants me to come join her. "Um, I'll talk to you later"."

I click the off button on my phone.

I turn around again, and still see no one. I swear I heard something, but maybe it was just me.

 I start to walk over to the group of people. The rest of Divinia is empty, even all of the shops are closed. 

As I get closer to the crowd of people, I start to see some familiar faces. I see my friend Tiffany, Turquise, Ava, Crystal, Kailey, Lana, Matt, kiiara, and some others. And I even see...Barbie?! Barbie, the head queen of Divinia is HERE? This must be important. I start to make my way through the crowd so I can get a glimpse of this girl. At this point, all I can see is the very top of her head. A girl standing next me turns to face me.

"It's really crowded in here! I just want to see who this new girl is!"

"Me too!!" I say, smiling. "What's your name? I'm Sierra. Sierra Reverie."

"Hi Sierra! My name is roselin, but you can call meh rose."

We both smile at each other, then continue to try to push our ways to the front. I can feel sweat dripping down my head as I get close to the middle of the circle. I just need to get past this one boy and one girl, but the problem is their holding hands. I karate chop their hands and they let go, dropping their hands.

"Hey!!" Says the girl, glaring at me.

I ignore her. I just need to see who this new girl is! I duck down and stand up, and finally get to the middle of the circle. I'm on the floor, with my knees and hands dirty and tired. I brush off the dust of Divinia's floor onto my pants, and look up at the girl I've been waiting to see. I brush my hair out of my face and look at the girl straight in the eye. 

"I know you." We say together.

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