2 - Thank You, I'm Sorry

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9 days before they disappeared...

"I can't do this anymore Louis." Harry whispered onto my lips, pressing his forehead to mine. Our eyes were closed. "I just...feel so...alone, when I have to hold myself back."

"I...I know-"

He leaned back and we stared into each others eyes. "But L-"

"No, Harry. I really do. It's getting harder for me too."

My fingers tickled the curls at the base of his neck. His hands were in my back pockets. We were standing just inside the door of my house...We were finally home after our VMA performance, and wanted some quality time together. Gigs are great and all, but it's hard to be next to your boyfriend and not be able to kiss him. Or hold his hand. Or love him.

He sighed and slid his hands up my back and hugged me tight, resting his head on my shoulder. "We've got to tell them soon."

"We've been saying that for two months."

He humffed.

"But you're right, it's never been harder. And...it will only get worse." I was practically whispering.

Harry groaned softly. "The more I think about it," He mumbled through my shirt, "The more I'm positive they'll split us up."

I took a shaky breath. "What other choice do we have Haz? It's...impossible to hide forever."

He looked up, slipping his hands up to my neck and lifting my chin. His eyes turned sad as they stared into mine. "I...I don't know Lou. But I love you, and that's what matters right now. That, and the fact that I really just want to sleep right now."

I brought his head closer to mine and kissed him softly. "Let's sleep, then." I whispered into him. He smiled, and I jumped, securing my legs around his waist. Harry laughed and ran down the hall towards my room. I just kept twisting his curls, staring into his brilliant green eyes, porcelain skin, and occasionally kissing his perfect pink lips.

8 days before they disappeared...

My breath caught in my throat as my eyes opened. The light was streaming through a crack in the curtains, so the room was light enough for me to see the demi-god lying next to me. A smile broke out on my lips, I remembered last night. He is one magical boy. Harry was still asleep, with his hands on my chest, head on my shoulder. Our legs were layered one on top of the other. All the clothes in the room were on the floor or in the closet. Butterflies still fluttered in my stomach when I saw him like this, so peaceful and sleeping. His smirk came slowly and went gradually. I wondered what he was dreaming about.

I don't know how long I laid like that. Time seemed to not exist when I was staring at him. It could have been one minute, it could've been an hour. I don't know. But it felt amazing to just lie there and be next to him.

I don't know how long Harry and I have been together. It's complicated, as are so many things in life. We first slept together eight months ago. New Years Day, actually. We first kissed about ten, eleven months ago. October 4, 2011. But we don't use either of those for our anniversary. They weren't big benchmarks, we had started out on the X Factor as strangers, then friends, then best friends, then soul mates. And the kiss...it wasn't a progression as much as it was confirming eveything we'd been feeling over the weeks before. Everything new was just our relationship moving steadily forward, everything felt ontime, perfect, just another day. We became closer, and closer, and then things happened. And then we were even closer. However, I like to use the day I completed-the-planning-for and implemented 'The Eleanor Plan' as our anniversary. Harry had mentioned that if one of us had a girlfriend, we could afford a little more in public. I took it seriously. Why not? If it meant getting closer to Harry...I was game for anything. So Harry 'set me up' with an old friend of his, Eleanor Calder. I mean, she was nice and all, pretty, funny, smart, but I just didn't like her like that. Most likely because I'm gay. She wanted to do it because of her unhealthy obsession with Josh Devine. Yeah. She's crazy. She's pretended to be my girlfriend for ten months to try to win Josh over. But he barely notices her. And so we pretend. We have fun...but it's all fake. Harry. Harry is all I am. So we say our anniversary is October 29. We told the boys in...March? Six months ago? Yeah, I think. We had them over and wore suits and made them dinner. Harry and I needed it to be confidential, there could be zero doubt that they could keep quiet. We've worked hard to have each other. And it's paid off...But our big problem...Management.

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