Chapter: 21

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Jungkook's POV'

When the sound of the door shuting on my face echoed in my ears, my eyes immediately shut as my fist clenched until my knuckles turned completely white and my nails were leaving cresent shape marks on my palms.

Thats how i was effected just because the love of my life shut a door on my face. I dont know what i would do if it was something more. Something worse.

I knew she wouldnt give up this easily, give up the hatred she had built in her heart for me, for years, i knew it. Even though i saw it coming it still hurts. So much.

I dont know how to win her over, i dont know what to do. I thought it was all planned out but everything right now is so blurred even though i rub my eyes it wont go away, even though i wake up the nightmare wont go away, the fear wont go away, fear of losing my life, fear of losing her.

I went home crying like a teenage broken boy who just got his heart crushed by his first love, i didnt just cry like him, i felt like him. A vulnerable little boy who knows nothing about love, who knows nothing about how it would hurt after you screw up just a tiny bit, who knows nothing about the aftermath, a boy who knows nothing about love.

My steps echoed in my ears, i didnt even know if i was going the right way. But somehow i did not care, somehow i wanted to go the wrong way, i did not know why. I just needed to be free for once. I needed to feel this feeling of being freed for once. I needed to feel nobody telling you what to do, i needed to know how it feels when you are not contemplating about two things back and forth. I just needed to be free for once.

My breath hitched in my throat and my chest tightens, i forgot i had breathing problems now. It was a long time ago when i used my inhaler, it was a long time ago when my breath did not shorten or when it felt like the walls were closing in on me. I just realised i wasnt walking, i was ruuning.

After i was thrown back to reality i finally slowed down and my hands automatically went down to my knees and i tried my best to breath, i touched the back pocket of my jeans and tried to feel the similar bump but it wasnt there, i tried to check my other pocket but i couldnt feel the bump, i panicked and that didnt help with me already losing my shit.

I felt a drop of water on the top of my head, i shut my eyes and prayed it wasnt what i thought it was, but ofcourse the universe was against me and it poured rain like there was no tomorrow, "Fuck" i cursed and tried to run to the nearest shed but i somehow ended up somewhere where there was none.

I cussed under my breath, my breath hitched again and i was in panick mode, i looked around trying to find something but it was hard to see because the rain was pouring so hard, i fell to my knees when i couldnt control the amount of oxygen that was needed for my lungs to actually function properly.

Black dots started to appear in my vission but i tried to fight back, i tried to shout but my throat was blocked, and i bet nobody would hear me because the rain was so loud.

The black dots started to become bigger as my pupil rolled back to the back of head and everything turned black.

The final thought that came to my mind before i passed out, am i finally free now?


I know its short.


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