Chapter 18- Honeymoon Part 2

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The morning sun was illuminating one of the famous hill stations of
Pakistan. The famous road of this Hill Station is "Mall Road" which has
shops and buildings of different sizes and types on both sides of it.
Tourists enjoyed walking on this road for eating and buying purposes.
There are hotels and different small stalls on the road from which you
can either buy eatables or daily life products.
After having breakfast at one of the hotels on Mall Road, Saba and Sahir
started strolling over the road. Tourists from different parts of the world
were walking on Mall Road.
While walking, her gaze fell upon a shop where local shawls were
present. They were embroidered and had a Kashmiri touch to them.

Such local stuff makes the shopping experience unique in Murree.
"We should buy something for our parents." She said at which Sahir's
step halted and he nodded his head.
After doing some shopping, they went toward the chairlift side. This
chairlift is supposed to take tourists from this hilly area to another one. In between these two hills, there is nothing.
At the chairlift spot, there was a sitting area with some shops and stalls
around. Some people were sitting on chairs, some were taking selfies,
some were buying things and some were eager for the ride on the
chairlift. Saba and Sahir sat on one of the chairs.
Since morning, they had uttered a few words to each other. At this
moment, Sahir was gazing all around the area, avoiding seeing her.
"Umm.." Saba wanted to say something but didn't know how to call him.
She was not going to use his name as he had forbidden her to use it.
Sahir heard her "umm" and focused his gaze on her.
"Hmm," he replied.
"I.. I have a headache. So please can you buy me a cup of tea." She
said after some hesitation. She was longing for tea and wanted it
"Okay, I am going to buy it." He nodded his head and went toward a stall
that was far away from the table.
On the other side, Saba was sitting at the table, looking around when
she heard two boys laughing.
"The Pink jacket is really beautiful! Let's take her home."
The boys were sitting at the table beside her and one of them said this
sentence in a loud voice. Saba froze at her spot as she was wearing the
pink jacket.
"Yes, it will be fun to watch the beauty beneath this hijab."
Her breath hitched at this comment and she looked around the place.
There were no tourists near her table, which was enhancing her anxiety.
"Hey beauty, are you alone?" One of them came near her table and
Anxiety kicked her nerves but she tried to keep herself calm and strong.
"No! My husband is with me." Her voice shakes a bit at which the boy
smirked at her.
"Oh really!" He said in an amusing tone at which sweat broke down on
her forehead.
Standing from her table, she took steps toward the stall where Sahir had
The boy started following her at which her legs and hands started
At last, she saw Sahir coming toward her with a tray of two cups in his
hands. Confusion etched on his face at seeing her quivering form.
The boys moved back after seeing the man with her. Sahir saw them
going back and he instantly understood the situation. He placed the tray
on a vacant table near them, asked her to sit on the chair, and moved his
chair close to her.
"Saba! Are you alright?" There was concern laced in his tone.
Saba nodded. Sahir heaved.
"Saba, You should not show your weakness in front of them. These boys
tease only those girls who become weak. These boys are nothing, only
your weaknesses make them tigers. So, never become weak. Ok! "
She nodded her head while tears were stinging her orbs.
"Take this tea and make your mood fresh. Ok!"
Saba nodded.
"Good girl! "
She started to drink tea while trying to calm her nerves. When Sahir saw
her relaxed form, he took a sigh of relief.
After some time, he became busy with his mobile when he heard Saba's
shrieks. He swiftly saw toward her while his heart skipped a beat.
She was looking under her chair because there was something. Sahir
also followed her gaze, and laughter erupted from his lips.
There was a monkey under her chair.
These monkeys are also common on the chairlift side.
Saba first stared at the monkey which was eating something. Then, she
saw Sahir's laughing face, and then she also started to laugh.
Laughs full of life and carelessness echoed in the hilly side of Pakistan.
"Do you want to ride the chairlift?" Sahir asked her.
"Umm... If you wish to! " She said with a little bit of hesitation. She
wanted to have the ride but was also afraid of it.
"Ok then!" Sahir said and bought two tickets.
After some wait, the chairlift came, and they both sat in it. The journey of
the chairlift from one point to another is fifteen minutes. And the chairlift
took you to the upper point of the hill. Lush green views were in between
the two hills.
Sahir was enjoying the ride and was looking around at the beauty of
nature. Saba was excited but afraid too. She had clenched Sahir's
sleeves and was avoiding seeing under her feet.
"Are you afraid? " He asked while his gaze lingered toward the sleeves.
"Yes, a little bit" Saba claimed with some embarrassment.
"It's ok Saba! Try to enjoy this trip by fighting your fears."
She nodded her head and looked underneath her.
But at that moment a strong wind blew and the chair shook a little bit. A
shriek emerged from her lips, and she hid her face in Sahir's chest. It
was so involuntary that she couldn't even realize the situation for some
Sahir's eyes rounded as he gazed at her head on his chest while she
was shivering. When the chair stopped swinging, she calmed down a bit
and realized the situation.
Retrieving her head from his chest, her gaze went toward his face. Their
eyes clashed while birds were singing and nature was blooming around
Breaking the eye contact, Sahir looked in front of him with an
expressionless face.
"I am sorry! I just got afraid and didn't know how it happened. " Saba murmured while avoiding eye contact.
He didn't reply to her and kept his gaze in front of him.
The fog had encapsulated the area where they landed after coming out
of the chairlift. Hills and green patches were making that part a beautiful
part of nature.
They were gazing all around the area while trying to avoid each other's
gaze. There was war in their hearts and minds which was kicking
uneasiness in their nerves.
"How will I survive these six months?"
He thought while gazing at Saba who was looking like the part of fog
with her white dress and pink jacket.
"Sahir, you can't be an ideal for any girl."
A female voice from the nooks of the past echoed in his ears at which
pain hit his being. Averting his gaze from Saba, he steeled his nerves.
Saba could feel the intense tension between them while walking beside Sahir. She bit her lower lip and tried to avert her attention toward the
nature around her.
This tension was hurting her self-respect and ego, but her mind was
unable to understand how to handle this situation.
"Why am I thinking of her or getting softened toward her? Control
yourself, Sahir! You have a long journey ahead. And in it, Saba is
The thoughts were running through his mind while gazing at her pink
cheeks and innocent expressions.
They were now sitting at a table. Her cheeks were getting pink because
of the cold air where his gaze was.
Feeling the intense gaze on her, she averted her gaze from the hills
toward him at which he instantly lowered them.
She again averted the gaze toward hills becoming self-conscious about
She had firmly held the handle of the chairlift and was sitting in a very upright position to avoid the previous incident.
Its posture seemed like a child was having a ride for the first time.
Despite having a bad mood, a smile was etched on his face.
Again wind came and their chairlift swung a bit. This time, Sahir put his
hand on her arms at seeing her fearful expression of her.
"Thank you" she murmured when the situation became normal.
"Hmm," he left her arm and sat straight.
In the room, they packed their remaining luggage. Saba, after that, sat
on the balcony while her gaze remained on the poolside. Sahir's gaze
fell upon her, and he took a deep sigh.
"She is in love with pools."
He thought while looking toward her. Then, he went toward the bed and
lay down. After some time, Saba also came into the room. She did her nightly routines and also laid down. Sahir was also awake and sleep was
also not coming to her.
Intense silence and tension were in the room.
Chairlift scene was flashing in front of his orbs when she came near him
and their eyes clashed. Her fearful but intense orbs were flashing in his
inner eyes.
Rejecting the thoughts, he rolled around.
"Don't think of her Sahir! Focus on your work! You have to get more
degrees and have to expand your business. You have to prove that you
are not a loser. Focus on your dare!!"
Sahir bite his lip on thinking of that dare that was made on a rainy night,
in the backyard of his university.
Tears swam in his orbs and he took a deep sigh to reject those thoughts.
On the other side, Saba was also thinking about today. Sahir's laughing
face was flashing in front of her orbs. And then, she hid his head in
Sahir's chest in a chairlift. Shocked but brownish orbs flashed in front of
his eyes, at which a smile etched on her face. But, the cold attitude of Sahir was also making it difficult for her to enjoy
those moments.
"Why are you doing this, Sahir? Why can't you accept this marriage? "
A tear came out of her eye.
Sahir was in his deep slumber when he heard a voice from a distance.
There was white light everywhere and someone was calling his name
After it, he felt a hand on his shoulder at which he slightly opened his
eyes. With half-opened orbs, he saw a beautiful face wrapped in a hijab
and bent on him. A sudden desire came in him and he pushed her
toward himself. She was now on his top and shock was in her beautiful
Suddenly, the voice of thunder came into his ears and he came back to
his senses. Saba was on his top and was looking at him. He became shocked at his action and immediately left her. She quickly stood from
his top while his face was pale and shock was in her orbs.
Sahir realized his mistake and looked toward Saba who was gazing at
him with a pale face. Sahir wanted to minimize the impact of his action
on her.
"I am sorry," Sahir said at which she nodded her head while lowering her
"Saba, This was just a mistake. Please don't interpret this in the wrong
way. You are nowhere in my life."
Sahir swiftly said, wanting to avoid any misunderstanding.
"I have many plans in my life and your presence will spoil them. And,
how this marriage takes place you know. So, never think of it."
Now, there was rudeness and bitterness in his words at which Saba's
became red due to insult.
Sahir went into the washroom, and she remained standing there.
His mobile started ringing at which she saw the device with bitterness and tears in her orbs.
For the first time, anger arose in her. And she burst when Sahir came out
of the washroom.
Sahir came out of the washroom and his eyes searched for his jacket.
That was on the chair. Saba was standing close to the chair. Sahir saw a
shocked expression on her face. Regret came to him but he rejected that
"Why do you do this with me?"
Saba's bitter voice rang in the room at which Sahir turned toward her
with shock in his orbs.
"Why do you always insult me? If you don't want to do that marriage,
then why don't you tell your parents! "
She said with a broken but angry voice. Sahir was staring at her in
shock. He was not expecting her to speak like this.
"Tell me! Am I a puppet? To whom you can marry anytime you want,
insult whenever you want, and divorce whenever you want."
Her voice started to tremble with tears.
"I Am A Human Being! " She emphasized the words.
"And you have no right to insult me! "
"I know that was a mistake. But what if you remain calm with it? If you
don't use harsh words? My self-respect is hurt by your words and This
Thing Is Not A Small Thing! "
She said in a bitter and furious tone, and went toward the balcony,
leaving him shocked being there
Throughout this whole outburst, Sahir remained still and shocked.
Today, when she woke up, she found Sahir was sleeping. She did her
ablution and said fajr prayer. Sahir was still sleeping. He had never left
his fajr prayer but today was unusual. So, she decided to wake him. She
shook him on the shoulder and called him. But, she became shocked at
Sahir's action.
She remained on the balcony for a long time, trying to control her tears
and fighting her inner battles.
When small drops of rain fell upon her, she went into the room which was now vacant.
She sat on the chair while her gaze was on the heavy falling rain. There
was thunder and rain in nature, mirroring her inner self. Two tears fell
upon her cheeks which she wiped away.
Sahir came out of the room and sat in the lobby. There was coldness
and bitterness etched in his expressions.
Gazing at the falling rain, his mind flew toward a memory.
"Sahir, do you love the rain?"
"Yeah, the view is beautiful."
"But, never take a bath in it?"
"Never! I don't like getting wet in the rain."
"So boring!" She rolled her orbs and said.
"I am a boring person." He chuckled.
"Don't worry! I will teach you how to be a romantic and interesting person
for girls." She said with an amusing smile.
"No, please! And now leave this topic. I think we should go with other students now." He said while standing from the couch.
That memory added a lot of bitter memories to his being.
He didn't say anything to Saba because deep down he knew that she
was right!!
The main issue in their marriage was him, and his insecure side.
Sitting alone in the lobby, he was gazing at the weeping sky while his
inner self was lamenting to him for his weaknesses.
The lounge of Mr Sikandar's house was echoing with the animated talk
and laughter of Saba, Sahir, Mrs Amna, and Mr Sikandar. Travel bags
were piled up in one corner of the lounge.
Fake smiles were etched on Saba and Sahir's faces while giving gifts to
the parents and telling them about the trip.
Mrs Amna was also watching their pictures.
"Beautiful pictures! But why don't you take more selfies? " She asked
them at which uneasiness etched on Sahir's face.
"Actually Mom, I don't like selfies much. I think that I don't look good in it.
And no one could take our picture. So... " Saba reasoned with a smile
"Hmm... But Saba you look good in selfies. Don't underestimate yourself,
Mom said at which she smiled at them.
"Amna, please prepare dinner. They both will be tired and want a rest"
Mr Sikandar said.
"Ohh yes! Saba, Sahir go and fresh yourself. Until then I will prepare
dinner." Mom said while standing from the couch.
They both gazed at each other and then broke eye contact. They both
hadn't said anything to each other since their dispute.
Coming into the room, Sahir went into the washroom while Saba lay
down on the bed. Leaning her body against the headboard, she took out
the mobile to open her freelance platforms to message her old and
long-term clients. Her freelance work was going to help her in getting rid of mental
As soon as the washroom door opened, she stood from her place. Sahir
came into the room, and she went into the washroom.
When she came out of the washroom, Sahir was nowhere to see. She
again lay on the bed while her mind was trying to decipher the situation.
For a while, she thought to call her mother and discussed the issue with
her. But then she decided otherwise. She would give this relationship
some time before making a final decision.
Egotistic and rash decisions are also major reasons for divorce in
society. Saba wants to deal with this situation with a cool and calm mind
so that she would have no regrets in the future.
When she came to the dining table, everyone was seated and waiting for
her. She sat beside Sahir when Dad asked everyone to start the dinner.
After having dinner, Saba sat with Mrs Amna while Sahir went into the room.
Lying on the bed, he tried to sleep but it was far away from his eyes.
Scenes and wordings of Saba were echoing in his ear while restlessness
pumped into his body.
"Am I making rash decisions?" His mind asked his heart.
"Maybe! But the past has taught me that it is the safe way." Heart
"What if I am becoming a nightmare for someone?" His rational mind
asked at which his body got tensed.
"What if I am becoming another Zahra for someone?" His mind again
asked at which he stood from his place.
His heart was silent on these accusations.
"Allah has sent her in your Nikkah, and there is His wisdom in this
relationship. Why are you running away from God's decisions?" The
words of his father were echoing in his mind at which he held his head in between his hands.
At that moment, Saba entered the bedroom and stepped toward the
cupboard. Taking out her blanket and pillow, she set them on the couch
and lay down on them.
After draping herself completely in the blanket, she took off her dupatta
from her head and put it near her.
Rarely, Sahir had seen her hair as she kept them under her hijab or
Gazing at her draped form, he kept on reflecting on his actions. Regret
took a toll on him, and he decided to give this relationship a chance.
He decided to fight his fears.
His eyes fluttered when Azan of Fajr was resonating in the city. Standing
from the bed, his gaze went toward the couch where Saba was still
Ignoring her for this moment, he went for the ablution. After prayer, he
remained on the prayer mat while some past events were flashing in front of his orbs.
"Allah has decided her for you that's why she is in your nikkah."
"I am a human being."
"I am not a puppet."
"I don't like you because you are a loser."
Different thoughts and voices were echoing in his mind while anger and
helplessness seeped into his nerves.
He held his hands for the dua.
"Ya Allah! Please guide me the right way! I am confused and you know
what is in my heart! I know I have accepted her in front of you. On the
order of you. But, the confusion is still here. Please help me and guide
me. Please finish this confusion! "
After praying, he went toward the couch and shook Saba's arm. Her
body moved a bit, and she took off the duvet from her face. Sahir saw
her red and white face with black hair around it. Averting his gaze from her face, he said.
"It is time for Fajr."
And went outside the room.
Standing on the rooftop of his house, welcoming the fresh air of early
morning, he was gazing at the dark sky which was having some threads
of light in it.
Fighting fears are the toughest task of life! You were determined to do it
and failed miserably. You again stood to do it, and then again failed. This
journey became more difficult with the unsupportive attitude of our
The thoughts were running through Sahir's mind while he was gazing at
the sky.
Sitting on the bed with a laptop in front of her, Saba sent different
proposals on Upwork.
Different filters were present on her job search page which had filtered some best jobs for her. Reading the job descriptions carefully, and then
writing a short but crisp proposal, her one hour passed like that.
After completing her day's target of sending five proposals in a day, she
opened the YouTube tab.
Searching Hisham Sarwar's page, she put on her hands-free and started
his one video about Social Media Marketing.
Clearing her mind from all life's tensions, she decided to resume her
freelance journey.
A register was open in front of her while a pen was in her hand. She was
jotting down the points from the video when the screen of her mobile
Stopping the video, she took her mobile where a notification from Fiverr
was present. A smile etched on her face as one of her old clients
messaged her.
After fifteen minutes, she had a freelance order on Fiverr which was
going to keep her busy the whole day.
She completed her YouTube video and opened the tab Fiverr on her laptop.
"Here is your social media insights report, and the content calendar for
the next seven days."
Sahir was sitting in his office when Hisham sent him two links to Google
He opened the links where he had prepared the whole report. Skimming through the report and getting satisfied with the engagement, he gave a
thumbs up to him.
After it, he opened the content calendar where there were seven
different types of posts. All posts were of different themes such as
motivational, inspirational, educational, meme, videos, and FAQs.
He approved the report and asked him to go forward.
Closing his conversation with Hisham, he opened the tab where rough notes of his novel were present. Outline, some scenes, and character
development were present there. Now, it was time to write the outlines of
every chapter.
Taking a deep sigh, he indulged himself in this task.
Both entrepreneurs shook life's issues from their minds and
concentrated on their journey. Life is much more than worries.
Evening draped the city when they both got free from their freelance
tasks. Saba went outside to give company to Mrs Amna while Sahir
stood from his chair to go home.
He was packing his laptop when a notification came on his mobile.
Narrowing his gaze, he opened the message notification from Instagram.
Someone had sent him a picture. Clicking on it, his eyes rounded at the
"This is your wife's reality."
His face became red and anger shot down in his nerves. Moon peeked
at the red face of Sahir and then averted its gaze toward another room
where the sender of the message was sitting.
Envy was shining in her orbs while a smile was on her face.
Some people spend their whole day making their life productive and
future secure, and some people spend their day envying and plotting
against those people. How much better our society will become if
everyone focuses on spending a busy and productive day.

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