Chapter 4-Honour Killing

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The client had still not seen her message on Whatsapp. It had been forty-eight hours now and she was getting genuinely worried. 

"Why the hell is he not responding to me? " 

She thought with helplessness. 

University bus horn averted her attention from the mobile and she ran to sit on the bus. After getting her favourite seat, she opened YouTube and searched for her answer. 

After watching two to three videos, she realized that she had dealt with the direct client in the wrong way. It was her first time and she had messed up the whole thing. She should have taken some advance money from the client. 


Frustration and anger built in her being and tears started gathering in her orbs. As she was in a public place, she had to swallow her tears. Switching off the mobile and throwing it in her bag, she fixed her gaze on the running trees and houses. 

"I don't understand why scammers exist in the world? " 

Again anger built in her nerves which she was continuously struggling to calm down. 

"With every difficulty, there is an ease" 

Amazing ayah of the Quran flashed in her mind and calmness settled in her veins. 

"There should be a great lesson and ease for me in it. It was a small project, but it taught me how to deal with direct clients. In the future, I can take and deal with long-term direct projects without getting scammed now. It's okay, Saba!" 

These thoughts were replacing her anger with gratitude, taking her out of frustration and depression. 

At last, University came and she took out her mobile to call her friends. 

"Waiting for you in F4." A message from Iqra came and she ran toward the class. 

"Assalam o Alaikum Children! Welcome to Poetry class. I hope you are doing well." Clad in a pants shirt with a tie, Dr Ajmal Khan entered the classroom. With the teacher's entrance, silence fell there. 

"Walaikum Assalam. Alhamdulillah." Different murmurs from class came. 

"So, my children, today we have to discuss an amazing poet whose history and biography had a lot of lessons for us. Before that, do you have any questions regarding the previous lecture?"

A university staff member came into the classroom with a cup of coffee. Dr Ajmal thanked him with a smile and took the coffee from him. After that, he expectedly looked toward his class for questions. Saba and the other two to three students asked him questions while the other class remained in their activities. 

Dr Ajmal answered the questions before thanking the students. In between, he kept on taking the sips of his coffee. 

"So, let's start with today's lecture. Today we have to talk about Mahmoud Darwish. He is a Palestinian poet and his poem's main themes are resistance, struggle, suffering and celebrating Palestinian poetry. Before we read his poems, I want to discuss the Palestine and Israel issue with you. Do you know anything about them? " 

Some class members raised their hands and Sir started listening to their answers. 

"Have you heard about Natasha?" Fiza whispered into Saba's ear. 

With her whisper, fearful and teary orbs came in front of her inner eyes. Sadness encapsulated her heart at this. 

"Yeah. I have seen the ruckus of her boyfriends myself." She whispered back and swiftly straightened herself as Sir's gaze landed on them. 

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